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Hyperbolic Language and its Relation to Metaphor and Irony

Hyperbole is a rhetorical trope by means of which statements are made that are obviously exaggerated and thus untrue or unwarranted.1 In this paper, this ...


Hyperbole presentation.pdf - WNC Learning Hub
Hyperbole is an exaggeration, an excess, literally meaning to ?throw beyond?. (from ?uper,? meaning ?over and above, beyond? and ?bolh¢ ,? meaning ?to throw?).
Examples Of Hyperbole In Literature
A hyperbole (hy-PER-buh-lee) is an exaggeration so dramatic that it is obviously not true. It is used as a figure of speech in writing to make a point or ...
Examples Of Hyperbole In Literature
Therefore, a hyperbole is an unreal exaggeration to emphasize the real situation. Some other common Hyperbole examples are given below. Example #1. From W.H ...
Addthe Hyperbole - Pages
A hyperbole is an extreme exaggeration. An example of this is the sentence ?My books weigh a ton.? The books could not weigh a ton, but the exaggeration ...
Having Fun with Hyperbole - Lawyers Lend-A-Hand to Youth
Hyperbole has a long history of study as a rhetorical figure of speech in written texts, and has been, since the time of the ancient Greeks, one of many figures ...
. Examples: I called you a million times. That pizza is bigger than Texas! I will die of embarrassment. He is older than the hills.
Figurative Language: Find the Hyperbole
Hyperbole (pronounced: hi-per-boe-lee) is
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