RFC 8874: Working Group GitHub Usage Guidance
GitHub is based on free and open-?source software called Git, a version control system used in many digital projects, from library websites to government data ... 
Identifying Unusual Commits on GitHubtypes given the characteristics of a particular repository or developer. We automatically flag unusual commits on GitHub through a browser plugin. Analyzing the GitHub Repositories of Research Papers - KIT AIFBIn this paper, we present for the first time a thorough analysis of all GitHub code repositories linked in scientific papers using the Microsoft ... Github workflow - CERN IndicoGoal. This is an exercise to highlight how a Github workflow would be. It is a mock up, so do not expect things to work. However it should give a realistic ... The Promises and Perils of Mining GitHub - Kelly BlincoeWith over 10 million git repositories, GitHub is becoming one of the most important source of software artifacts on the Internet. Researchers are starting ... Connecting to GitHubGo to Github.com and create a new account if you haven't yet. Use the same username and email address that you set up with your git global option. A Tutorial for GitHub.pdf - IFI UZH? GitHub is a web-based Git repository hosting service, which offers all of the ... ? From GitHub Desktop, then Publish to GitHub. ?https://help.github.com ... Study Guide GitHub FoundationsGet exam-ready for your GitHub Foundations Certification with our comprehensive study guide. We've curated the essential resources and insights you need to ... What is GitHub Actions? Benefits and examplesAt the most basic level, GitHub Actions brings automation directly into the software development lifecycle on GitHub via event-driven triggers. These. What is GitHub?It allows developers to control the different versions and commit changes using command line. For newcomers to version control software it can be extremely ... github-git-cheat-sheet.pdfGitHub: commit: branch: clone: remote: fork: pull request: HEAD: git checkout. 'master' branch. 'feature'. 'master'. 'feature'. 'master'. $ git commit -m ... GIT CHEAT SHEET - GitHub EducationThis cheat sheet features the most important and commonly used Git commands for easy reference. INSTALLATION & GUIS. With platform specific installers for Git, ... la féminisation de L'ENSEIGNEMENT - Université d'AntananarivoMissing: