In this tidy little work, Professor John Passmore, of the Australian Na- tional University at Canberra, presents a deceptively simple yet powerful. 
The Representative Arts as a Source of Truth - JOHN PASSMOREhim to the view that any scientific hypothesis which goes beyond immediate experience is, so far as reason goes, as good, or as bad, as any other. John Passmore: Lancaster's First Mayor and his CouncilsJohn Passmore, 1914-2004. William Hare. Mount Saint Vincent University. John Passmore died in Canberra, Australia, on July 25, 2004, a few weeks short of his ... Mayor John Passmore - LancasterHistoryJohn Passmore was a thoroughly Australian person. He grew up in relatively poor circumstances in Manly, and his ancestry goes back to the early years of ... Theories of Individuation: A Reconsideration of Bare ParticularsOntological Status of Categories,? in Studies in the Ontology of Reinhardt Grossmann, ed. ... 9 Reinhardt Grossmann, The Categorial Structure of the World ( ... Non-Existent Objects and Epistemological Ontology - PhilPapersThe Fourth Way: A Theory of Knowledge, by Reinhardt Grossmann. Bloomington, IN.: Indiana University Press, 1990. Pp. xi + 311. $35.00. As Grossmann reads ... Summer/Fall 1994 - IU PhilosophyREINHARDT SEIGBERT GROSSMANN. (January 10, 1931 ? July 2, 2010). Reinhardt Grossmann, a long-time member of the Department of Philosophy at Indiana. University ... Facts: An Essay in Aporetics - PhilPapersEmeritus Professor at Indiana University. He is a leading member of the. Iowa School founded by Gustav Bergmann. Grossmann brought his robust. Selected and Annotated bibliography of Reinhardt GrossmannReinhardt Grossmann, The Fourth Way: A Theory of. Knowledge (Bloomington: Indiana University Press,. 1990), viii + 311 pp., $35.00 (cloth). PAUL K. MOSER. Circular B5-2012 - Archives of Institutional Memory - Indiana UniversityReinhardt Grossmann is one of the most sophisticated, knowledgeable and original contemporary metaphysicians. Although he was a student of Bergmann, ... A kínai gnózis Jan Van Rijckenborgh Catherose De PetriJan van Rijckenborgh & Catharose de Petri, The Great Revolution, 9. 81. Massimo Introvigne, 'Lectorium Rosicrucianum: A Dutch Movement Becomes Interna ... Catalogo Septénaire 2023Lectorium Rosicrucianium, a Rosicrucian order founded in 1935 by Dutch eso tericist Jan van Rijckenborgh (1896?1968), should also be mentioned. It has been ... El misterio de las BienaventuranzasJAN VAN RIJCKENBORGH. I. BILTHOVEN 1963. II. CALW 1964. III. BAD MUNDER 1965. IV. BASEL 1966. V. TOULOUSE 1967. ROZEKRUIS PERS - HAARLEM - THE NETHERLANDS. Page ...