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Jesus Enters Jerusalem

Dennis M. Swanson*. Seminary Librarian. Various viewpoints on the biblical teaching of the millennium deal differently with the prophecy of Jerusalem's ...


I4: I8 we read that Melchizedek, King of Salem, blessed. Abram, and Abram gave him tithes of the spoil taken from the kings of the East. Tradition identifies ...
The Sins of People of Jerusalem - Agape Bible Study
Yahweh tells Ezekiel that ?now? is the time to judge the sins of. Jerusalem (Ez 22:2; 23:36, 45 twice; 24:14) because it is a city that is full of bloodshed, a.
Jerusalem in the Tanakh - Rabbi David Rosen
Its. Arabic counterpart, ?r?al?m, is the term used by the government of Israel in Arabic, and by Arabs in certain historic or. Biblical contexts. This name is ...
Vernon McGee, Volume 2,. Copyright 2006 by Thru the Bible Radio.) Page 2. 2. When the Lord Jesus Christ rode into Jerusalem to proclaim publicly His right and ...
The Gospel in the Gates of Jerusalem -
C. The Bible has many titles for Jerusalem. 1. The city (Jer. 32:24; Ezek. 7:23). 2. The city of God (Ps. 46:4; 87:3). 3. The city of our God (Ps. 48:1, 8).
Jerusalem in Prophecy - The Friends of Israel Gospel Ministry
Page 1. The Holy Bible. The New Jerusalem Bible NJB. Gen 1:1 In the beginning ... if you do not obey the voice of Yahweh your God, and do not keep and observe ...
The Holy Bible The New Jerusalem Bible NJB - RCBI - resources
God again came in Judgment against Judah and Jerusalem in 586 BC. Using Nebuchadnezzar King of Babylon and the city was taken and the temple was destroyed on ...
The Destruction of Jerusalem & the Coming of Christ Matthew 24:1-51
Daniel 9:27 says that the Antichrist will cause the sacrifices and offerings to cease?implying a rebuilt Temple in. Jerusalem. I believe that ...
46. The Book of Revelation?11:1-2
Jerusalem, or the Hebrew Yerushalayim, means ?city of peace.? The name comes from Genesis 14:18 and. Genesis 22:14 where Melchizedek was the king of.
Jerusalem in Bible Prophecy - Carroll Roberson Ministries
'Melchizedek king of (Jeru)Salem brought out bread and wine. He was Priest of God Most High. He blessed. Abram and said, ?Blessed be Abram of God Most High, ...
?Then Jesus went out and departed from the temple, and His disciples came to Him to show. Him the buildings of the temple. And Jesus said to.
Matthew 24 and the Destruction of Jerusalem - David Padfield
of Jerusalem in A.D. 70, if they heed the warning to flee. Luke 21:8-19 ... For the readers of Matthew and Luke the destruction of Jerusalem was a past event.