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RevPsih_1-2_2009.pdf - REVISTA DE PSIHOLOGIE

apropiat psihologia social? de putere, v?zut? ?i ca rela?ie între sexe. Inevitabil, prin intermediul unor direc?ii prioritare ale psihologiei sociale ...


psihobiologia sexualit??ii - ResearchGate
S-a presupus c?a diferentele ?ntre sexe ?n gelozie postulate de psihologia ... Psihologie Clinic?a si Psihoterapie, fundamente , ed. Polirom, Iasi. David,D ...
H?r?uirea sexual? la locul de munc? - of DSpace
? David, D., (2006), Psihologie clinic? ?i psihoterapie, Editura Polirom, ... initiate the sexual act. Also, the husband considered that Ilinca S. was not ...
? Consiliere ?i psihoterapie sexual?. ? Managementul integrat al disfunc?iilor sexuale. ? Infoline ?i internet. ? Terapia de cuplu. ? Probleme ale partenerului ...
Jurnalul Român de Psihoterapie Integrativ? - IRPI
team?, când vine vorba de a apela la un psihoterapie. ? TERAPIA DISFUNC?IILOR SEXUALE, MASCULINE ?I FEMININE. De?i aceste tulbur?ri au o frecven?? mare, atât ...
Conferin?? Na?ional? de Medicina Sexualit??ii
H?r?uire ?i rela?ii sexuale. Art. XI.6. Psihologii nu vor h?r?ui sexual ?i nu se vor angaja în rela?ii sexuale cu studen?ii sau cu superviza?ii din.
ANEXA 2 - Clinica Serenity
propunerea comisie de psihologie Clinic? ?i Psihoterapie. Ob?inerea ... Tulbur?rile sexuale cum ar fi disfun?iile sexuale (tulbur?ri de erec?ie, ejaculare precoce ...
codul deontologic al profesiei de psiholog cu drept de liber? practic?
Cr?ciun. A face dragoste aproape perfect. Psihoterapie experien?ial? pentru problema ta sexual? Editura Universit??ii din Bucure?ti ...
Psihologie Psihoterapie Si Hipnoza Clinica Despre Mine
In 2014 the Interna- tional Society of Sexual Medicine (ISSM) defined PE as the inability to delay ejaculation on all or nearly all va- ginal penetrations, ...
Therapeutic Approaches in Premature Ejaculation - Medicina Moderna
This study aims to analyze the relationships between the effects of cyberbullying on the level of anxiety and self- confidence. The data were taken from a ...
patologie social?, psihodiagnostic, psihoterapie: Psihoterapii experien?iale ... ?i practicile sexuale, activitatea sexual? premarital? (Janus & Janus, 1994).
Participants aged between. 22 and 29 years (M = 25.8, SD = 6.485) distribution by sex: 80 women and 20 men. ... Atasamentul in psihoterapie (p.27- 43). Editura ...
Toward an Applied Theory of Erotic Intelligence
Erotic connection is a vital part of sexual and romantic relationships, yet Eros has been clearly differentiated from sexual interaction. In other words, Eros ...