Telecharger Cours

Er vakinn með kossi

They support local businesses by recommending Vakinn (Vakinn is a certification for environmentally friendly companies) businesses. Support local businesses.


Sustainable tourism and digitalisation -
The Icelandic Tourist Board also manages Vakinn, a quality and environmental certification system for Icelandic tourism. ? The aim of Vakinn is to strengthen ...
VAKINN gæða- og umhverfisvottun fyrir íslenska ferðaþjónustu. VAKINN quality and environmental certification for Icelandic tourism. TÚN. VOTTUNARSTOFA. TUN-V- ...
Handbook for Tour Operators - Risk Management
Vakinn, inaugurated in 2010, is an Icelandic certification and environmental quality and certifica- tion system that is very comprehensive (Eide & Borch ...
Staðfesting á vottun - Vottunarstofan Tún - Hey Iceland
Vakinn is Iceland's tourism official quality and environmental system which aims to strengthen both quality and safety in tourism using ...
Governance innovation cases in coastal tourism
Nordic Visitor is certified by Vakinn, the official quality label for Icelandic tourism, and our commitment to professional staff ...
Association ( The Vakinn environmental grading is free of charge to companies participating in the Vakinn quality system.
Covid-19 Health & Safety Guide - Nordic Visitor
BMF-2017-03 Vakinn ? gæðavottun. Sótt er um styrk til að byggja upp og styrkja ferðaþjónustufyrirtæki umsækjanda með þátttöku í gæðavottuninni Vakanum ...
sustainable tourisM serVices aS an exceptional proDuct ... - CEJSH
Vakinn is owned by the Icelandic Tourist Board, a component of the Ministry of ... VAKINN Quality & Environmental System (2017). Ferdamalastofa. Retrieved ...
BMF-2017-03 Vakinn ? gæðavottun
? VAKINN ? A quality and environmental assessment system for Icelandic tourism. ? Quality issues. ? Professionalism. ? Infrastructure development.
Vakinn gæði, öryggi, umhverfi. Erla Sigurðardóttir. Page 2. Vakinn er samstarfsverkefni. Page 3. Hvar liggja styrkleikar ...
Thesis for MSc degree in Environment and Natural Resources
Icelandic tourism companies that have joined Vakinn are experiencing the Vakinn ... According to Vakinn's website (Vakinn, n.d.-c), there are currently 80 ...
Master's Thesis - Skemman
This thesis, analyses Vakinn certified companies to identify the motives for seeking Vakinn, the official quality and environmental system within Icelandic ...