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... Software,? wikipedia-l, October 18,. 2001, (accessed March. 7, 2007). This is a portion of the eBook at ...


Technical Document AESTD1006.1.17-10 Loudness Guidelines for ...
This guide changes the way the Air. Force employs social media and. Web 2.0 technology, and positions the Air Force well to communicate transparently with ...
Recorded Sound - World Radio History
Abstract. Wikipedia is often held up as an example of the potential of the internet to foster open, free and non-commercial collaboration.
Considering Practical Verifiability and Open Referencing in Wikipedia
Technical Geography is built by the reunion of the following classical or modern technical disciplines: geodesy and topography, mapping and atlas production, ...
New Media and The Air Force -
Wikipedia critics claim that technology has inspired hyperbole. In response to an infamous incident in which John Seigenthaler (rightfully) complained about ...
what is technical geography - Geographia Technica
For more than 50 years, the International Association for the Evaluation of. Educational Achievement (IEA) has been instrumental in ...
The argument engine - Digital Repository Service
This article draws attention to the often-unseen information inequalities that occur in the way that Wikipedia content is referenced.
PIRLS 2011 Encyclopedia
40 St., New York 16, N.Y.. THE ENCYCLOPEDIA O F ELECTRONICS, edited by Charles Susskind, contains over 500 articles on all phases of electronics. It covers ...
T.E.C.H.N.I.C.A .L R.E.P.O.R.T
The University of Houston-Clear. Lake established the Research. Institute for. Computing and Information systems in 1986 to encourage NASA Johnson Space.
Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology - The Swiss Bay
The revised edition of the Facts On File Encyclopedia of. Computer Science and Technology ... Technica. Available online. URL: http://arstechnica ...
Preface to the Encyclopedia Processor Technica. Includes the semi-technical Sol Users Manual that came with later Sols, functions of the Sol's buttons and ...
Changing Shall Language STATUS: Approved by Markings, June
The NCUTCD requested technical committees to review language in their respective portions of the MUTCD and identify Standard statements that would be more ...
Final Rule Human Subjects Research Exemptions- NIH Infographic
Meets the definition of human subjects research. Exempt studies involve human subjects research: research involving a living individual ...