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Ny Valosoa Vaovao 1 Oktobra 2019



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Ny Valosoa Vaovao 6 Aogositra 2019
Archives of the Fiangonana Jesosy Kristy aty Madagascar (FJKM), antananarivo. ... Ny Daty Malaza. Na Ny Dian' i Jesosy Teto Madagaskara. vols. 1?3.
Ny fieritreretana Anao (Ilay Mesia), nataon'i Elspeth Young
Na Ny Dian' i Jesosy Teto Madagaskara (tananarive: LMs, 1930), vol. 1 ... report of the Madagascar Missionary school society 1828?; rabary, Daty Malaza,.
Tsy mahita toerana hikabariana -
Summer Cascades, daty tsy fantatra. Trame de soie, 61 x 91,4 cm. Nahazoana alàlana ... tamin'ilay manam-pahaizana malaza indrindra momba ny asa printy George ...
L'évangélisation du pays betsimisaraka à la fin du XIX?me siècle
manohitra izany, manome tsiny io daty malaza io, toy ny ataon 'ny finoana Yahoshuah ohatra. Tsorina anefa fa ny Soratra Masina miasa sy ...
Challamel, Paris. Rabary (Pasteur) - 1942, Ny Daty malaza na ny dian'ny Jesosy teto. Madagasikara, Antananarivo, Imprimerie L.M.S., Imarivolanitra (Boky n ...
Mey - The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints
Ny daty malaza na ny dian'i Jesosy teto Madaga sikara (en malgache) (Les dates importantes ou le chemin de J?sus ? Madagascar), IV, I Partie : 1877-1886 ...
United StateS embaSSy antananarivo, madagaScar - Amazon AWS
... Date on cover 1986. 5910. Xaran-kitaabe. Siine fana [1], 3. [Nouakchot]: ... daty malaza na Ny. Dian'...3796-3798. Da'ufataken dare...l490-1491. Dauda ni a ...
page 2 - ny valosoa vaovao
Nanomboka ny 17 ôktôbra 1987 dia nankalazaina isan-taona io daty io ho fanomezam-boninahitra ... Malaza manokana ity. Ny 17 Febroary 2015: Varavarana misokatra ...
This study uncovers the underpinnings of a Malagasy Lutheran oral theology of homiletics. Using original sermons collected in the field from a cross section ...
matoandahatsoratra - ATD Fourth World
Daty malaza <<Ny dian'i Jesosy teto Madagasikara». Evolution du paludisme à Madagascar et lutte anti- palustre, A.U.M.M., 1964, 2, 2, 123-133. 22 ...
Présentation PowerPoint
He wrote an excellent work recording the memorable dates of the 19th century Madagascar: Daty. Malaza (1927). It was one of his great achievements. He also ...