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Jean-Claude MEYNARD. Ondes Miroir, 2005. Création numérique sous plexiglass. 80 x 120 cm. Pièce unique courtesy galerie EAST.


Cette technique permet d'obtenir les solutions du mouvement pour une corde de dimension finie avec des conditions aux limites particulières.
Un modèle asymptotique pour les ondes internes de grande amplitude
UN MODÈLE ASYMPTOTIQUE POUR LES ONDES. INTERNES DE GRANDE AMPLITUDE. JEAN-CLAUDE SAUT. Résumé. On considère dans cet exposé le modèle asymptotique ?shallow ...
musical instruments are somewhat vague and contested. According to Laurendeau (1990),. Martenot began working out his ideas for the Ondes during WWI while ...
La phénoménologie des ondes gravitationnelles
Rare instrument specialist Thomas Bloch is equally at home performing on the soundtrack of Amadeus, on stage with Radiohead, or at Milan's La Scala (playing ...
4 - L' Arpentage des ondes* (2017-2018). 19'41?. For six percussionists, 3 ... Mathias Steinauer: L'arpentage des ondes. In ?Reading A Wave,? the first ...
ONDES MARTENOT - Naxos Records
To create this collection, Patrick Gilles found his inspira- tion in the Aurore lamp revisited for the Baccarat crystal manufacture.
booklet ONDES (Page 1) - Chandos Records
They generate a 3D auditory space, just like a traditional acoustic instrument (as opposed to traditional speakers being very directional).
In the ondes Martenot specifically, two oscillators generate quasi-sinusoidal voltages at high frequency; one is set to 80 kHz and the other, ...
Onde Installation Notes | La Voix du Luthier
ABSTRACT. The ondes Martenot is an electric musical instrument that was presented for the first time in Paris in 1928. An electrical wave-.
A physical model for the electromagnetic loudspeaker used in early ...
Ondes who enlisted in the Army Air Corpsin 1940 and served as a pilot in the South Pacific. He re- mained in the Air Force and became a Lt. Colonel in the ...
Charles J. Ondes - World War II Illinois Veterans Memorial
The Ondes Martenot is a rare instrument. The number of instruments still in a playable state is estimated at less than eighty ([2]). All the measurements ...
Simulation of an ondes Martenot circuit - HAL
Abstract?The ondes Martenot is a classic electronic musical instrument based on heterodyning processing. This paper pro-.