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Dans cet article nous voulons rendre plus accessible à un public plus large, une des premières publications d'Egide De Boeck dans le domaine du lingala. Cette ...


And Others TITLE Lingala. Livre du formateur (Lingala ... - ERIC
Grammaire et vocabulaire du Lingala, ou langue du Haut-Congo. Bruxelles: Imprimerie Polleunis-Ceuterick. . 1920. Cours théorique et pratique de Lingala. (Of ...
L'origine et de la signification du glossonyme lingala - lingbuzz
Aussi, pour les enseignants recrutes et formes apres i960, la grammaire scolaire lingala est un mythe.
Dictionnaire lingala-français - CongoForum
<18> Before 1901, no language by the name of ?Lingala? appears in any of the more than hundred books written by pioneer explorers, accounts, diaries, ...
Lingala Livre du formateur - Peace Corps
The history of Lingala, one of the dominant lingua francas of Zaire, illustrates the way a number of different forces interact in the life of a.
Grammaire et vocabulaire du lingala ou langue du Haut-Congo
Lingala is nowadays both a language with mother-tongue speakers and a lingua franca. It is by far the main native language in Kinshasa, the capital of the ...
Grammaire-et-vocabulaire-du-lingala-ou-langue-du-haut-congo ...
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A Polyglot Pocket Dictionary of Lingála, English, French, and Italian
Lingala and the various ethnic languages?which makes Lingala easy to learn. The language which forms the basis of Lingala (Bobangui) is in the same ...
The origins of Kituba and Lingala
politically neutralised by four national languages (Swahili, Kikongo,. Tshiluba, and Lingala) and one official language (French), all five of which figure ...
The linguistic features of Bangala before Lingala: The pidginization ...
The history of Lingala, one of the dominant lingua francas of Zaire, illustrates the way a number of different forces interact in the life of a.
Aspects of Multilingualism in the Lingala Zone of Congo
Lingala is one of the major Bantu languages that form the East Benue-Congo sub-branch of the. Niger-Congo phylum in Africa (Heine and Nurse 2000, Williamson and ...
Lingala (Meeuwis).pdf - The Swiss Bay
Grammaire et vocabulaire du Lingala, ou langue du Haut-Congo. Bruxelles: Imprimerie Polleunis-Ceuterick. . 1920. Cours théorique et pratique de Lingala. (Of ...
'Official Language': the Case of Lingala - TSpace
But Lingala seems to be the only language for practical purposes on many of ... veritable 'langue maternelle', One reason for the spread of the language.