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based on Gregorian Bivolaru's teachings, as well as their respect to him. To illustrate their devotion, one of Bivolaru's followers described his spiritual ...


Refuzul extrâdârii lui Gregorian Bivolaru. Dincolo de decizia ...
?Mi_carea de Integrare Spiritual_ în Absolut (MISA) has been set up by a ?yoga professor? Gregorian Bivolaru. ... ?Under the guise of yoga ...
bivolaru exposed
The crucial role of the founder and spiritual head, Gregorian Bivolaru, is assessed. In the second part, particular yogic principles characteristic for MISA ...
The Public Perception and Media Campaign Against Yoga ...
But who is Gregorian Bivolaru? And what is MISA? * Corresponding author: Massimo Introvigne, Center for Studies on New Religions (CESNUR), Via Bertolotti 7,.
Revisiting the Term ?Spirituality? as Opposed to ?Religion?
8. 2016, available online at 19 ?Who is Gregorian Bivolaru. Biography of ...
The diploma thesis ?MISA Yoga School and the States of ...
Gregorian Bivolaru, whose court case was intensely mediatized, or mediabolized, as stated in the Human Rights without Frontiers report, to the.
Massimo Introvigne - CEJSH
Abstract The case of the Romanian Yoga movement and its founder, the yoga teacher Gregorian Bivolaru, is well known for the human rights activists and ...
Compliance with the right to a fair trial in the OSCE member states ...
The applicants, Gregorian Bivolaru and Codrut Moldovan, are two Romanian nationals. In June 2015 Mr Moldovan was sentenced by the Mures ...
Discourse Analysis of the Public Communication Campaigns about ...
1989, Gregorian Bivolaru is confined in a psychiatric hospital for what amounts to ?political disobedience.? ? 1990-founds MISA. ? 2004-leaves Romania for ...
On 27 February 2016 Gregorian Bivolaru, leader of the Movement for Spiritual Integration into the Absolute (MISA), was arrested in France ...
CESNUR - MISA and the Esoteric Tradition of Sacred Sexuality
The applicant, Gregorian Bivolaru (alias Magnus Aurolsson), is a Romanian national who was born in. 1952. In March 2004 the Bucharest public ...
MISA: An Overview - CESNUR
Gregorian Bivolaru and the people practicing yoga according to his teachings started to be harassed and repressed as early as the 1980s when Ceausescu banned ...
A yoga group wins an important case at the European Court
The spiritual leader of MISA, Gregorian. Bivolaru, had asked and obtained political asylum in Sweden in 2005 on the basis of a decision of the Supreme Court in ...