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l'industrie par son enseignement de la construction du meuble. Nous savons le service que M. Debat a rendu à la profession par sa collaboration à plusieurs. 
History as Contemporary History in the Thinking of Benedetto CroceBenedetto Croce has proved that Aesthetic is the science of expressive activity. ... Benedetto Croce has shown that space and time are far from being categories ... Benedetto Croce's Theory of Science - UniTSLa Penna, Daniela (2016) The rise and fall of Benedetto. Croce: intellectual positionings in the Italian cultural field 1944-. <Articoli>Benedetto Croce and the History of Italian Literature ...Benedetto, Croce e il Fascismo (Rome 1967), 2, II. 13 E. Cione, Benedetto Croce ed il Pensiero Contemporaneo (Milan 1963), 127;. Pagine Sparse, II, 373 ... Benedetto Croce's History as the Story of LibertyBorn in Pescasseroli, in the Abruzzo region of Italy, Benedetto Croce (1866-1952) went to Rome with his brother in 1883 to live. Benedetto croce pdfBenedetto Croce is deservedly credited as one of the great ... Abstract: This paper examines the economic contribution of Italian philosopher Benedetto Croce. Aesthetic as Science of Expression and General Linguistic... Benedetto Croce may be of help to contemporary criticism. 2 For the essence of his aesthetic is the autonomy of the poetic faculty, and the essence of his. The Rise and Fall of Benedetto Croce - CentAURLibrary of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data. Croce, Benedetto, 1866?1952. [Estetica come scienza dell'espressione e linguistica generale. Parte 1 ... Croce, BenedettoTHE nature of Benedetto Croce's relation to. Italian fascism and the extent of his friend- ship to Mussolini's regime during its formative. Benedetto Croce as an Economist - cosmos + taxisfirst article in Croce's political creed. Soon after I900 he became attracted to Georges Sorel's version of socialism. He greatly admired Sorel's impatience ... Benedetto Croce - Forgotten BooksThe Italian philosopher and literary critic Benedetto Croce (1866?1952) had a great influence on the European aesthetic and literary debate in the first ... BENEDETTO CROCE - The Aesthetic as the Science of Expression ...Benedetto Croce (1866B1952) is one of the most influential Italian philo- sophers of the twentieth century. From the early 1900s to the years after. divergent fascisms: gentile, bottai, de vecchi and the 1935 debateThe aim of the project is to establish a dialogue between Giovanni Gentile (1875 - 1944) and Carl Schmitt (1888 -. 1985). The conversation I wish to present, ...