Some History of Functional Programming Languages
The LLVM framework includes many analysis and optimization passes on both the target-independent LLVM IR and on machine-specific code. Most ... 
Unix System Programming with Standard ML - MLtonStandard ML (SML). The compiler is being developped in ... 1.3 History of the system. The SML/NJ project was started in 1986 by ... A New Backend for Standard ML of New Jersey - Full-Time FacultyHaskell 98 united the streams of lazy, pure functional programming, precursors included HOPE and Miranda. Standard ML from 1989 remained the unifying effort for ... Notes on Programming Standard ML of New Jersey (version 110.0.6)SML Tutorial. 3. Page 4. History of Standard ML. ? 1978: ML (meta language). ? designed and implemented by Robin Milner et. al. ? a programming language for ... The Early History of F# - F# Software FoundationThis handbook is a manual for ML version 6.1, released in December 1984. The language is somewhere in between the original ML from LCF and standard ML, since ... Programming Language Concepts - Standard ML TutorialAbstract. Standard ML is one of a number of new programming languages developed in the 1980s that are seen as suitable vehicles for serious systems. Introduction to Classic MLStandard ML (Milner et al. 1990), which appeared later, in 1986, is the confluence of the HOPE and ML streams, thus has both pattern matching and. Some History of Functional Programming LanguagesThis book is an introduction to programming with the Standard ML pro- gramming language. It began life as a set of lecture notes for Computer. Programming in Standard ML - CMU School of Computer ScienceHistory of Standard ML. ? 1978: ML (meta language). ? designed and implemented by Robin Milner et. al. ? a programming language for finding and performing ... Programming Language Concepts - Standard ML TutorialML stands for ?MetaLanguage?. Robin Milner had the idea of creating a programming language particularly adapted for writing applications that. Basics of Standard MLStandard ML has become remarkably popular in a short time. Universities around the world have adopted it as the first programming language to teach to. Standard MLA history site providing documentation of the history of Standard ML. Page 42. Final Thoughts. Trying to recover the history of a 30 year-old ... The History of Standard MLThe paper covers the early history of ML, the subsequent efforts to define a standard ML language, and the development of its major features and ...