Disentangling adaptive training from experimental confounds. - HAL
In a paper published in the May 2008 issue of Cortex, Jerome Sackur and colleagues at Unité de Neuroimagerie Cognitive, Paris France ... 
Consensus goals in the field of visual metacognitionDuring my thesis, we studied the metacognitive abilities of individuals with schizophrenia spectrum disorder using psychophysical and electrophysiological ... Verbal mind-wandering has privileged access to consciousnessGuido Corallo,1 Jérôme Sackur,2,3 Stanislas Dehaene,3,4,5 and Mariano Sigman1. 1Integrative Neuroscience Laboratory, Physics Department, University of Buenos ... I do not see it, but my brain knows what it means - Medical XpressReyes), jerome.sackur@gmail.com (J. Sackur). 1 Nisbett and Wilson (1977, p. 232) emphasize this point: ''It is the result of thinking, not the process of ... Caractérisation comportementale et électrophysiologique des ...Guido Corallo,1 Jerome Sackur,2'3 Stanislas Dehaene,3'4'5 and Mariano Sigman1. 1Integrative Neuroscience Laboratory, Physics Department, University of Buenos ... Language facilitates introspection - UC Santa BarbaraSchooler f, Jérôme Sackur a,d a Laboratoire de Sciences Cognitives ... Schooler), jerome.sackur@gmail.com (J. Sackur). 1 SL & VA contributed ... Jérôme Sackur, Ph.D.2002?2007 Associate professor, philosophy (Maître de Conférences), Department of Philos- ophy, Université Paris X ? Nanterre. PROF. DEEPTO CHAKRABARTY Curriculum Vitae - MIT Kavli InstituteAuthor(s): Dipesh Chakrabarty. Source: Critical Inquiry, Vol. 35, No ... DIPESH CHAKRABARTY is the Lawrence A. Kimpton Distinguished Service. ANTHROPOCENE TIMEChakrabarty, 100 S. Ct. 2204 (1980). T HE DECISION rendered by the Supreme Court in Diamond v. Chakra- barty1 allows the new science of biotechnology to come ... ? Response to Dynamic Statutory Interpretation by the Supreme CourtThe definitive historical account of the Chakrabarty case is Daniel J. Kevles, Ananda Chakrabarty wins a patent: Biotechnology, law, and society ... The Climate of History: Four Theses Author(s): Dipesh Chakrabarty ...Dipesh Chakrabarty is the Lawrence A. Kimpton Distinguished Service Professor of History, South Asian Languages and. Civilizations at the University of ... The Climate of History in a Planetary AgeCHAKRABARTY et al. No. 79-136. Argued March 17, 1980. Decided June 16, 1980. The United States Court of Customs and Patent Appeals, Rich, J., 571 F.2d 40 ... Diamond_v_Chakrabarty.pdf - Berkeley LawEurope . . . since 1914 has become provincialized, . . . only the natural sciences are able to call forth a quick international echo.