Affidavit Regarding Citizenship - Georgia Secretary of State
Provide information about your child if you are a U.S. citizen parent applying for a Certificate of Citizenship for your minor child.) Your A-Number if any: A. 
Form N-600, Application for Certificate of CitizenshipThere is no cost for children under 16 years of age applying on the same form as a responsible parent. Children are also able to apply in their own right by ... 1290 - Application for Australian citizenship Other situations... form is for household members to declare citizenship/immigration status. EACH HOUSEHOLD MEMBER WHO IS 18 YEARS OF AGE OR OLDER MUST SIGN THIS FORM. A PARENT ... FORM 8. HRA HOME TBRA DECLARATION OF CITIZENSHIP ...passport or birth certificate. ? Declaration and Oath of allegiance as specified in the form to be made before the offices specified in the Citizenship Rules ... PROCEDURE FOR APPLYING ONLINE FOR INDIAN CITIZENSHIPSubmit this completed form and copy of one or more documents that evidence your citizenship or alien status with your application for license or renewal ... ARIZONA STATEMENT OF CITIZENSHIP AND ALIEN STATUS FOR ...Submit this completed form and copy of one or more documents that evidence your citizenship or alien status with your application for license or renewal . Arizona Statement of Citizenship and Alien Status for State Public ...§§ 4-108 through 4-114, I attest as follows: I am a citizen of the United States. ? OR ?. I am a qualified alien under the federal Immigration and ... United States Citizenship Attestation FormOther documents you may provide are a. Consular Report of Birth, Certificate of Citizenship, or Certificate of Naturalization. Page 2 of 5. Form SS-5-FS (10- ... Application for the Social Security CardDo not use this form if you or your child is a permanent resident applying to be granted. Canadian citizenship. Do any of these apply to you? I need to replace ... Application for a Citizenship Certificate (adults and minors)IMPORTANT: Complete this section only if you answered ?yes? to questions 2, 3, or 4 in SECTION B on the front of this form. 1. Alien Registration number and/or ... Statement of Citizenship, Alienage and Immigration Status - DHCSForm 4. Regulation 5. THE BAHAMAS NATIONALITY ACT, 1973 THE. BAHAMAS NATIONALITY REGULATIONS, 1973. APPLICATION FOR REGISTRATION AS A CITIZEN OF THE BAHAMAS FOR ... CITIZENSHIP-FORM-IV.pdf - Bahamas ImmigrationA U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services Form 550, 551, or 570,. ''Naturalization Certificate.'' ? For verification, take one of the documents listed above ... Citizenship Verification Form Instructions - Lockheed MartinOne of the following documents: (1) Form I-551, Alien Registration Receipt Card (for permanent resident aliens). (2) Form I-94, Arrival-Departure Record, with ...