Congo, Dem. Rep. - Women, Business and the Law
Congo, Democratic Republic of. Source: Globocan 2020. Summary statistic 2020. Males. Females. Both sexes. Population. 44 710 172. 44 851 232. 89 561 404. Number ... 
Rising hate speech in Congo conflict alarms UNAfrica, within the Congo Basin. The DRC's territory straddles the Equator, with one-third of its land area to the north and two-thirds to the south. It is ... Congo, Democratic Republic of - Global Cancer ObservatorySlavery in the Democratic Republic of the Congo is nothing new. Central Africa was a site of slave raiding for the. Red Sea and Indian Ocean slave trade long ... Climate Risk Country Profile, Congo, Democratic RepublicSee also. CRS Report R45933, Ebola Outbreaks in the Democratic Republic of Congo: Emergencies or. Enduring Threat?; CRS Report R44402, Rwanda: ... The Congo Report | Free the SlavesThe award of the Sakharov Prize to Dr Denis Mukwege, a Congolese gynaecologist and women's rights activist, has again drawn international attention to the ... Sexual violence in the Democratic Republic of CongoWithin its enormous catchment area, the Congo is the dominant transport net- work and the lifeblood of the African rain forest, upon which millions depend for ... The River Congo ? Africa's Sleeping Giant - Clingendael InstituteThe U.S. goods trade deficit with the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) was $439 million in 2011, up. $5 million from 2010. U.S. goods exports in 2011 were ... democratic republic of the congo | ustrThe Democratic Republic of Congo has immense potential but remains a risky investment location. Main hurdles include pervasive poverty, political turmoil, ... Democratic Republic of Congo - PwCThe Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) faces a defining period in its history. Decades of misrule and two civil wars have devastated the country's economy, ... Democratic Republic of Congo - OECDCongo, Rep. Region. Sub-Saharan Africa. Income Category. Lower middle income ... DB2019. Registering Property: The Republic of Congo made property registration ... Congo, Rep. - Doing BusinessHowever, these vast resources have scarcely benefited the Congolese people. Instead, they have contributed to decades of conflict, numerous serious human rights ... Violence linked to natural resource exploitation - ohchrThe Congo, through the Congo Basin, offers an opportunity to mobilise resources from global climate funds in connection with its sustainable development ... democratic republic of the congo 2022 human rights reportThe Democratic Republic of the Congo is a centralized constitutional republic. Voters popularly elect the president and the lower house of ...