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LYCEE Secondaire « IBN khaldoun », Weslatia , Kairoun. Baccalauréat : section mathématiques ( mention bien). Expériences professionnelles. Formation ...


Tableau comparatif
This report has been prepared by Environmental Assessment and Management ?EAM? with all reasonable skill, care, and diligence within the.
Mariem Khemili - Tunisien Professionnel
Abstract: Pearl millet (Pennisetum glaucum (L.) R. Br.) is a valuable agronomic and industrial promising crop with high adaptation potentials considered as ...
MENSI NADA - Ingénieur en Génie Industriel
in the sheep research station of Weslatia. (Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique de Tunisie) in semi-arid, central Tunisia (370 mm average annual ...
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) 100 MW ...
Weslatia. 540. Pin d'Alep et maquis. Weslatia. ( Djbel Guitoun , Oued mâarouf). 48 maquis. Weslatia. (Djbel Serj et Sidi. Ameur). 317. Pin d' ...
Etat des incendies des forêts du 1er Janvier 2021 au 20 Août 2021
... Weslatia,c,. Rahma Boughribaa,c, Abdelmajid B. Hmidae and Saadia Bouraouia,b,d. aLaboratory of Colorectal Cancer Research UR03ES04, Science University Tunis ...
Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA) 100 MW ...
This report has been prepared by Environmental Assessment and Management ?EAM? with all reasonable skill, care, and diligence within the.
Réserve Naturelle de Ain chrichira - l'ONAGRI
Duthiers.-The mastodon of Cherichira, by M. Albert Gaudry. -A new chemical balance for rapid weighings, by M. Victor. Serrin.-Partial eclipse of the sun on ...
Rôle du système de failles E-W dans l'évolution géodynamique de l ...
Cherichira-Abaieh Fault and the north-south Monastir Fault. The 859 AD Kairouan earthquake probably affected Sousse. 50 km to the east (but not El-Jem ...
Identifying sources of groundwater recharge in the Merguellil basin ...
mineralization and identifying recharge sources in semi-arid Cherichira basin (central Tunisia). Chemical data based on the chemistry of several major ions ...
AJA - Archaeological Institute of America
Cherichira, Sfaia, and El Baten folding system near Kairouan. An active fault system affecting late Quaternary units made up of ? 30 ...
Hydrogeochemical investigation of surface and groundwater ... - gnssn
The Cherichira aqueduct, originating from Roman times, supplied the city of Kairouan, Tunisia, with water and has had alternating phases of ...
Neotectonic deformation in Tunisia (North of the African plate)
The evolution of the Cherichira and Grigema drainage systems. Prior to the late Tortonian structural develop- ment of Djebel Cherichira, the Oued Cherichira.