Ethics and AI: State of the art and perspectives - IARIA
... Bruno Mermet, Gauthier Picard. Bernard Rever, Gaële Simon, Thibault de Swarte, Catherine Tessier, François Vexler, Robert Voyer, Antoine ... 
GE PC Logistics contacts GEPC Sites June 2016.xlsxreport and enclosed test report. Issued in Lyon, France, on the 9th April, 2015. Director or empowered person. Bruno CHEVET ... MERMET SAS. Name and address ofthe. AAMAS 2009 - Programme - IFAAMASBruno Mermet. Camille Salinesi. Lors de la première réunion du conseil ... Trésorier : Bruno Beaufils. Secrétaire : Jill-Jênn Vie. Administrateur ... Vérification formelle de propriétés de vivacité pour des SMA ...... Bruno Mermet, Gauthier Picard. Bernard Rever, Gaële Simon, Thibault de Swarte, Catherine Tessier, François Vexler, Robert Voyer, Antoine Zimmermann. Abstract. C'est quoi la didactique ? Ressources incluant une réflexion ...Gaële Simon, Bruno Mermet, Dominique Fournier, Marianne Flouret. Université of Le Havre. Abstract. This paper deals with a goal-oriented agent model called. Lettre d'information N°25 À la une... - Société Informatique de FranceSession Chair: Mermet Bruno. 119 - Deep Learning Models for Inventory Decisions: A Comparative Analysis (Thais de. Castro Moraes). 2 ... Dealing with Ethical Conflicts in Autonomous Agents and Multi Abstract. In this article, we illustrate on a toy example the proof process of the GDT4MAS model ... Declarative Agent Languages and Technologies, DALT 2005Bruno Mermet, Gaële Simon. Using proof failures to help debugging ... {Bruno.Mermet, Gaele.Simon} Keywords: Multi-Agent Systems ... IntelliSys - SAI 2 Symposium on Roboethics, International Conference on Com- puter Ethics and Philosophical Enquiry, Workshop on AI and. Ethics ... Formal Veri cation of Ethical Properties in Multiagent SystemsBruno Mermet, Gaële Simon. GREYC ? UMR 6072. Université du Havre. Page 2. 2. Sketch of the presentation. ? General presentation. ? The ... ? Chair : Bruno ... GDT4MAS: a formal model and language to specify ... - Bruno MermetGoal Decomposition Tree: an agent model to generate a validated agent behaviour. Gaële Simon, Bruno Mermet, Dominique Fournier. {Gaele.Simon, Bruno. Goal Decomposition Tree: an agent model to - Bruno MermetGaële Simon, Marianne Flouret, Bruno Mermet, A methodology to solve optimisation problems with MAS ; application to the graph colouring problem, AIMSA 2002, ... REFERENTIEL NORMATIF du CNES TRAÇABILITEFiche suiveuse renseigné. Fiche suiveuse. Avant-projet. Estimation sommaire des travaux. Avis du distributeur. Courrier. 3. TE. Création du numéro de PTF. Page ...