Geologic Map of Mars - USGS Publications Warehouse
useful for unit identification where diagnostic morpho- logic features could be identified. ... The Isidis Planitia unit (AIi) covers most of Isidis. Planitia, ... 
MARTIAN CRUSTAL MAGNETISMAllapasus isidis n. sp. Individuals of the first two species were browsing ... mouth are diagnostic of the genus Tergivelum. The holotype is a male with ... LETTERS - Smithsonian Institutionisidis volcanic province, predominantly glacial (nhue, hmk ... that quantifies the diagnostic mineral absorption features in spatial context. The deposition and alteration history of the northeast Syrtis Major ...Both in Nili Fossae, Tyrrhena Terra and Isidis Basin (grey dots) and ... diagnostic bands of the two minerals are not close to each other. Carbonate possibly ... Geologic Map of the Northern Plains of Mars - USGS.govThree diagnostic spectral features of olivine were matched ... ring fractures associated with the Isidis impact crater basin (located to the ... GeoloGic history of isidis Planitia on Mars - 2MS3 ConferenceIn late 2003, the Beagle 2 lander component of the Mars Express mission is planned to touch down in the Isidis Planitia region of Mars (265.0°W, 11.6°N). Diapositiva 1Old: Isidis Planitia. -abundant craters. -eolian ?resurfacing?. Page 8. Status of Mars ... ? Dominated by sulfates or no diagnostic spectral response. Locally ... Pretty Green Mineral -- Pretty Dry Mars? - HIGPUtopia and Isidis). However, some researchers have suggested that the geometry and geophysical structure of the northern lowlands may be the diagnostic ... Beagle 2: the Exobiological Lander of Mars Express... diagnostic of the sur- face composition. Vibrational absorptions ... Similar olivine-enriched units are found south of the Isidis basin in Libya ... Toward a Calibrated Geologic Time Scale: Stratigraphy and the ...There is a remarkable unit rich in olivine largely observed east of Nili Fossae, but also found along the southern edge of the Isidis Basin [11, 18, 19, 20, 21] ... A thick crustal block revealed by reconstructions of early Mars ...Isidis basin tectonics or post-Isidis basaltic volcanism and ... diagnostic of crust-forming and secondary minerals [Pieters and Englert, 1993 ... Mineralogy of the Martian SurfaceIn these exposures outcrops are observed showing spectral sig- natures diagnostic of mafic and phyllosilicate minerals. ... to be pre-Isidis lava [14], Isidis ... REGIONAL GEOLOGY AND STRATIGRAPHY OF THE NILI FOSSAE ...the southwestern portion of the Isidis Basin were investigated using spatial, spectral, visible, and thermophysical data sets from both the Mars Global ...