tad m. schmaltz - College of LSA - University of Michigan
This paper studies Francisque Bouillier,s contribution to cousinian. Spiritualism, from his first text on the History of Cartesian Philosophy. 
Publications for Anik Waldow 2023 2022 2021 2020 2019 2017The next stage of our survey is to be found in Delphine Antoine-. Mahut's essay, which studies the evolution of Cousin's attitude to experience in the field of ... Descartes' Treatise on Man and its Reception - PhilPapersAntoine-Mahut, Delphine. 2018. ?To Replant and Uproot. Typologie of the Cartesian Tree of Knowledge in Nineteenth-Century French Histo- ries of Philosophy. ANTOINE-MAHUT, Delphine - IHRIMParis: Honoré. Champion, 2012; Delphine Kolesnik-Antoine (Antoine-Mahut), L' Homme cartésien. La ?force qu'a l'âme de movoir le corps?: Descartes ... Debates on experience and empiricism in nineteenth century FranceDelphine Antoine-Mahut and Stephen Gaukroger, eds. Descartes' ?Treatise on Man? and Its Reception. Dordrecht: Springer, 2016. Pp. vi1304. $109.00 (cloth); ... Reading Strategies for Coping with Information Overload, ca.1550 ...Since Father Adrien Baillet's sometimes unreli- able biography of 1691, Descartes has been capti- vating the commentators; hundreds of books have. The birth of scientific reading - csbsjuBailletes La Vie de Monsieur Descartes was the first biography of Descartes that had any claims on being more than a sketch. Published in two large volumes ... Descartes's Dreams and Their Address for Philosophy - PhilPapersBAILLET'S LA VIE DE MONSIEUR DESCARTES. Adrien Baillet was one of the leading scholars of his age. Born of peasant stock in 1649, and educated for the ... Orientations - International Society for Cultural History290 Fernand Hallyn this is done, number the letters, and separate the slips of paper semble these same letters several diction, without adding any lett name ... 25. Andrzej Wi?niewski. The logic of questions as a theory of erotetic ...Fernand Hallyn, translated by Donald M. Leslie (Zone Books, New York, 1990; first published as: La Structure poetique du monde: Copernic, Kepler (Editions ... Fernand Hallyn, Gemma Frisius, arpenteur de la terre et du cielFernand Hallyn's work consists of three parts: in the first, ?Portrait du Mathématicien et. Humaniste,? Hallyn outlines the biography of. Gemma Frisius and ... P. Galand-Hallyn, F. H - Iris unitoFernand Hallyn ?tait membre, depuis 1994, de l'Acad?mie Royale Flamande de Belgique, section des sciences humaines. 193 oversights and sweeping statements that arguably ... - OAKTrustFernand Hallyn. Les structures rhétoriques de la science: De Kepler a ... Fernand Hallyn notes that his examples are familiar, ?celebrated cases, problems ...