Traversing Space and Time Through Ukiyo-e - Haverford College
This dissertation analyzes how women and gender shaped Japanese imperial culture at home by examining fashion and cosmetics in the 1930s and 1940s. The title, ... 
Pacific Islands Women in the Eyes of the Travel Journalist Kanetaka ...In seventeenth-century Japan, dramatic narratives were being performed under drastically new circumstances. Instead of itinerant. ISSN 1045-6333 CHAPTER 1 JAPANESE DISTRIBUTION| Show results with: The Listening Subject of Japanese Modernity and His Auditory Doublecours ENISHIMissing: the politics of androgyny in Japan: sexuality andThe principal religious practice is j?rei ?? (purification of the spirit): holding one's hand out towards the person(s) to 'transmit the light of God' ... IMPERIAL DESIGNS: - COREMiss Shiseid?s actively promoted a kind of Japanese civilizing mission where their methods represented the most advanced practices of beauty emanating from the ... THE ARTS OF THE GEISHA - D-Scholarship@Pittcours Formules Sekaï.xlsxCours théoriques. (BIOLOGIE : Acte de vente d'un parfum, TECHNOLOGIE : accueil, prise en charge de la clientèle, vente et fidélisation, COMMUNICATION : mise ... The European Network of Japanese Philosophy (ENOJP) was ...The opening section of this exhibi- tion presents the work of the Gutai group, arguably the first avant-garde movement to emerge in Japan after. World War II. Epreuve EP2 : Techniques esthétiques liées aux phanèresVous disposez de 2 heures pour réaliser : ? Une épilation des sourcils. ? Une épilation des ½ jambes et du maillot brésilien . ? Un maquillage des ongles avec ... A DECONTEXTUAL STYLISTICS STUDY OF THE GENJI ...laudable, since he encourages an equal exchange between poles, and grants each pole ... 1, No.1, 15th. September, 1915. 8. Hu Shi, ?Introduction to my own ... Refashioning the Romantics: Contemporary Japanese CultureNihonbi to gendai sekai [The structure of 'Kire': the Beautiful in Ja- ... post-human aesthetic, anamorphic and monstrous elements as se- ... Aesthetics?, 17:1 ( ...