A text extraction software benchmark based on a synthesized dataset
Apache Tika v1.1 and v1.2 both fail at extracting Text Boxes from documents in DOCX file format created by MS Word 2010, but are successful. 
Making sense of binary data at scale with Apache TikaFor example, a .zip file could just be a zip of random files. ? Or it could be a Microsoft OOXML file (eg .docx, .pptx). 2 Loading and importing data - Lancaster UniversityData can be loaded and imported into #LancsBox on the 'Corpora' tab. This tab opens automatically when you run. #LancsBox. #LancsBox works with corpora in ... Iran's water crisis: cultural, political, and ethics - Apache Tika CorporaABSTRACT. By the summer of 2001, most of Iran had been suffering a three-year drought, the worst in recent history. Water rationing was in place in Tehran ... Evaluating Text Extraction At Scale: A Case Study from Apache TikaTim Allison, Ph.D. Data Scientist/Relevance Engineer. Artificial Intelligence, Analytics and Innovative. Development Organization(1740). Evaluating Text Extraction: Developing a Toolkit for Apache TikaBringing science to digital forensics with standardized forensic corpora. Digital. Investigation, 6, S2-S11. Known Limitations. ? Mostly ... What's new in Apache Tika 2.0 - Berlin BuzzwordsWhat's new in Apache Tika 2.0 ? we mean it this time! Tim Allison, Ph.D. Data Scientist/Relevance Engineer. Artificial Intelligence, Analytics ... High-resolution, energy-dispersive microcalorimeter spectrometer ...SUMMARY. We have developed a prototype x-ray microcalorimeter spectrometer with high energy resolution for use in x-ray microanalysis. TIKA - Quick Guide - TutorialsPointApache Tika is a library that is used for document type detection and content extraction from various file formats. Internally, Tika uses existing various ... Content analysis for ECM with Apache TikaWhat is Tika? It is a Toolkit. Page 7. Current coverage. Page 8. A brief history of Tika. Sponsored by the Apache Lucene PMC ... Tika: getting involved. Page 33 ... SNAP Optical Telescope - Apache Tika Corpora1) Background Information. Recent measurements carried out by the Supernova Cosmology Project (SCP) (http://www-. GÉNÉRATEUR GEN11 D'ETHICONLes générateurs de secours portables produisent un gaz toxique appelé monoxyde de carbone (CO). Le CO est un gaz inodore et incolore qui tue sans prévenir ... En cas dE pannE dE courant, laissEz votrE génératEur à l'ExtériEurLa puissance de votre générateur doit se trouver dans cette fourchette : Votre générateur ne doit PAS être équipé d'un panneau avec DDFT. RESET. TEST. 120V.