Nanosciences and Nanotechnology
Thin Films Division Fachverband Dünne Schichten (DS)This value is significantly larger than conventional FMs such as Py (? 1% [22, 23]), CoFe (?. 5% [28]) and CoFeB (? 14% [27]). ... [39] E. 2018 IRPS Conference Proceedingspromotion Design of a high intensity magnetic force field source and studies of ...type Multiferroicity: the coupling between magnetic and polarization ordersCorrigé Taking Atomistic Spin - Queen's University BelfastMissing: Theoretical Study on Electric Field Control of Magnetism in 2D ...Here, we demonstrate the engineering of the magnetic properties of CoFe-based nanodisks fabricated by the mask-less technique of focused electron beam-induced ... Exploring the Frontiers of Ferromagnetic Insulator/Superconductor ...| Show results with: Title A??proposal??to??add??a??new??major??field??of ...Corrigé Perpendicular Nanomagnets - mediaTUMMissing: rapport annuel 2010 - BCEAOannealing to promote the crystallization of the interfaces between CoFeB and MgO [12, ... A different type of experiment is then performed ... [39] E. Sagasta et ... Magnetic switching of Ta/CoFeB/MgO heterostructures via Spin ...No results found for EPREUVES CORRIGEES DU TEST DE PREREQUIS POUR LA 43e ...EPREUVES CORRIGEES DU TEST DE PREREQUIS POUR LA 43e PROMOTION DU COFEB. Année académique 2020-2021. Avenue Abdoulaye FADIGA. BP 3108 ? Dakar - Sénégal. Tel ...