und Ladungstransport in Graphen/MgO/Co-Strukturen
Nanosciences and NanotechnologyMissing: Thin Films Division Fachverband Dünne Schichten (DS)This value is significantly larger than conventional FMs such as Py (? 1% [22, 23]), CoFe (?. 5% [28]) and CoFeB (? 14% [27]). ... [39] E. 2018 IRPS Conference Proceedingspromotion Design of a high intensity magnetic force field source and studies of ...type Multiferroicity: the coupling between magnetic and polarization ordersCorrigé Taking Atomistic Spin - Queen's University BelfastMissing: Theoretical Study on Electric Field Control of Magnetism in 2D ...Here, we demonstrate the engineering of the magnetic properties of CoFe-based nanodisks fabricated by the mask-less technique of focused electron beam-induced ... Exploring the Frontiers of Ferromagnetic Insulator/Superconductor ...| Show results with: Title A??proposal??to??add??a??new??major??field??of ...Corrigé Perpendicular Nanomagnets - mediaTUMMissing: rapport annuel 2010 - BCEAOannealing to promote the crystallization of the interfaces between CoFeB and MgO [12, ... A different type of experiment is then performed ... [39] E. Sagasta et ... Magnetic switching of Ta/CoFeB/MgO heterostructures via Spin ...No results found for