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The economic costs of natural disasters, terrorist attacks, and other ...

We compare the direct and indirect economic losses from a variety of disruptions, including earthquakes, hurricanes, terrorist attacks, pandemic diseases, and ...


Nathan Nunn Working Paper 14899
A wide variety of papers have documented the important effects that certain historic events have had on long-term economic development. These studies range ...
The historical roots of economic development - Scholars at Harvard
The evi- dence suggests that this was because the fly prevented the adoption of domesticated ani- mals, which reduced trade, made agriculture.
It can be seen the war years of 1941 to 1945 saw one of the most significant short term increases in economic growth in the history of the U.S. economy. The top ...
The Macroeconomic Impacts of the 9/11 Attack: Evidence from Real ...
The 9/11 attack stands out as a particularly important event whose consequences need to be well understood. This study evaluates the macroeconomic impacts of ...
The Long Economic Hangover of Pandemics
While the rapid and unprecedented collapse of production, trade, and employment may be reversed as the pandemic eases, historical data suggest that long-term ...
Historical Events and their Effects on Long-Term Economic and ...
This thesis uses econometric methods to examine the effects of historical events and developments on aspects of economic and social development. Its ...
The Importance of History for Economic Development
Another way in which historic events can have long-term impacts is if these past events permanently affect culture or norms of behavior. Although economics ...
département des arts, langues et littératures
... sa simple fonction sociale de jadis. Nous pouvons vou le conte fokiorique ... princesse le laisse tomber devant le héros pour indiquer celui qu'elle ...
Il est donc nécessaire d'étudier avec soin le destin traditionnel de la femme. Comment la femme fait-elle l'apprentissage de sa condition, comment l'éprouve-t- ...
de jeunesse et de bande dessinée - BIEF
entre la Clélie et les Caractères, entre Montaigne et la Princesse de Clèves. ... fils et l'Ane », « La Mort et le bûcheron », « Les Deux Mulets », « L'?il ...
une analyse sémio-narrative)) Heather Lynn Fudge A t
être reine ou au moins princesse pour avoir une. « chose » comme cela. Elle ... malheureux dans sa position, ce couvent était à la fois le lieu le plus ...
Le deuxieme sexe_Tome 2 - Simone de Beauvoir.pdf
Enfin, le 1er octobre 2019, L'École des Arts. Joailliers a inauguré sa première journée d'études. Intitulée « La joaillerie dans l'histoire », elle a rassemblé ...