PS1-14bj: A Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernova with a Long ...
The linearity of the instrument is studied. Results. We show that the imager filters and photometric response are not uniform and publish correction maps. We ... 
Neutrinos from type-II supernovae and the neutrino-driven ...In §3, we provide our results, including explosion properties, the integrated neutrino luminosities, the spherical-harmonic de- compositions of ... Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - eScholarshipWe present a new approach to understand the landscape of supernova explosion energies, ejected nickel masses, and neutron star birth masses. Supernova / Acceleration Probe: A Satellite Experiment to Study the ...We investigate the implications for some nonstandard cosmological models using data from the first three years of the Supernova Legacy Survey ( ... 10 Homogeneous, Isotropic Cosmology - JILAintroduit le terme « super-nova » en observant, sur le Mont Wilson, un nouveau type ... tions, on corrige en partie l'effet des vitesses propres en considérant le ... Transfer of Juveniles to Adult Court: Effects of a Broad Policy in One ...Trees andtree searching, consensus and super-tree methods, support measures,and other ... correction. Inference techniques, including message-passing algorithms ... [tel-00465853, v2] Étalonnage spectro-photométrique du ...The first optical record of the super- nova SN1987A occurred at ? 10 ... Cai, Il Nuovo Cimento 104B, 361 and (errata corrige). 727 (1989). [9] ... ar_1982.pdf - ESO.orgL'intensité de longueurs d'onde bleues, sont beaucoup plus intenses. La supernova est globalement de couleur bleutée. 3. Les maximums d'intensitéde la super ... SuperNova - CECIAA| Show results with: SUPERNOVAS: EXPLOSIONES ESTELARESCORRIGE Étude des Supernovas de type Ia dans LSST - Theses.frMissing: Maths Terminales F G H Bac 94 Corriges Pdf (Download Only)The first sentence establishes something astronomers believe with some certainty: that Betelgeuse will ?explode in a supernova.? The second sentence then ... INTRODUCTION AUX SUPERNOVAE - Astrosurf`a une étape de la calibration : apply telluric corrige les spectres de leur raies telluriques `a l'aide de la correction calculée lors de l ...