The Exotic Type Ic Broad-Lined Supernova SN 2018gep
We report a high-resolution, far-ultraviolet, Space Telescope Imaging Spectrograph (STIS). E140M spectrum of the strong, broad Si II, III and IV features ... 
Parameters of the Classical Type-II? Supernova SN 1999emtle variations in light-curve and spectral parameters. By matching like to ... Cooray, A., Huterer, D., & Baumann, D. 2004,. Phys. Rev. D, 69, 027301. Couch ... Nearby supernova host galaxies from the CALIFA surveyThere is recent evidence that some SiC X grains from the Murchison meteorite may contain supernova-produced ?-process 11B and or 7Li ... PS1-14bj: A Hydrogen-poor Superluminous Supernova with a Long ...The linearity of the instrument is studied. Results. We show that the imager filters and photometric response are not uniform and publish correction maps. We ... Neutrinos from type-II supernovae and the neutrino-driven ...In §3, we provide our results, including explosion properties, the integrated neutrino luminosities, the spherical-harmonic de- compositions of ... Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory - eScholarshipWe present a new approach to understand the landscape of supernova explosion energies, ejected nickel masses, and neutron star birth masses. Supernova / Acceleration Probe: A Satellite Experiment to Study the ...We investigate the implications for some nonstandard cosmological models using data from the first three years of the Supernova Legacy Survey ( ... 10 Homogeneous, Isotropic Cosmology - JILAintroduit le terme « super-nova » en observant, sur le Mont Wilson, un nouveau type ... tions, on corrige en partie l'effet des vitesses propres en considérant le ... Transfer of Juveniles to Adult Court: Effects of a Broad Policy in One ...Trees andtree searching, consensus and super-tree methods, support measures,and other ... correction. Inference techniques, including message-passing algorithms ... [tel-00465853, v2] Étalonnage spectro-photométrique du ...The first optical record of the super- nova SN1987A occurred at ? 10 ... Cai, Il Nuovo Cimento 104B, 361 and (errata corrige). 727 (1989). [9] ... ar_1982.pdf - ESO.orgL'intensité de longueurs d'onde bleues, sont beaucoup plus intenses. La supernova est globalement de couleur bleutée. 3. Les maximums d'intensitéde la super ... SuperNova - CECIAA| Show results with: SUPERNOVAS: EXPLOSIONES ESTELARESCORRIGE