influence of a powerfrl stimulus. in turning the course of the Parame- cium toward the aboral side. Ncvcr- theless, while it ... 
American Journal of Physiology. - Romain Bretteour activity and our colllm~>rcial development abroad, and I have the ... regard it, as there wa. no evidence whatever to ... influence, and, at the same time, to ... CONGRESSIONAL R.EOORD-SEN.ATE. - GovInfoPresumably, respondents regard her, too, as ?non-serious??the fifth such ... ?influence? district or an alternative at-large scheme like limited. Document received by the CA 2nd District Court of Appeal.This cultural impact assessment provides information pertinent to the evaluation of the proposed project's cultural impacts. F. CULTURAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT - USDA Rural DevelopmentCOMRADES, the work of the Seventh World Congress of the Com- munist International, the Congress of the Communists of all coun-. THE COMMUNISTPast exercise of influence or control need not be shown, only the potential or ability to directly or indirectly exercise influence or control. ''Related ... CONTRACT AMENDMENT - CT.govOn April 2, 1990, an event occurred that had major potential for the betterment of th~ circumstances of mentally ill persons in the criminal ... I I I I I I I I I I I I I - Office of Justice ProgramsDefinitions. Conditions of liability. Definition of employer. Saving' provision. Election by employer. withdrawal. Joint liability of employer and con-. CHAPTER 102. - Wisconsin Legislative Documentsmembers or officers to influence their official action, shall be defined ... Duties of Governor in Regard to Enactm.ent of. Laws-Vetoes-May Veto One or ... 1929 Legislative Manual - the Washington State LegislatureThis project aimed to understand interventions and outcomes of reports of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation. Determining Effective Interventions in a Community-Based Elder ...election administration duties, except that with regard to school elections, the ... influence of employees, 7-34256, 13-35-226, 13-35-228 exit polling, 13-35 ... el00654.pdf - The International Foundation for Electoral Systems: IFESLanguage influences thought. 2. Thought influences language. 3. Thought and language are independently influenced by development. These three models will be ... VARIATIONS ON FEI.ONY PROBATION Persons Under Supervision ...This report was prepared for the Bureau of Justice. Statistics, U.S. Department of Justice by the National. Association of Criminal Justice Planners under.