Safety in the Digital Age - OAPEN
Diachronic evidence for the synchronic grammarHarmatan Country Background Report for France - OECDMissing: Habemus gender ! - OAPENThe objective of this thesis is to screen for biochemical determinants in sorghum varieties cultivated in Burkina Faso to identify the best sorghum ... Burkina Faso - Food and Agriculture Organizationtnle SVT-2009-BOG-RES.pdf - beep@ird.frHarmatan African Journal of BiotechnologyMissing: university research governance & national innovation systems... (ii) d'identifier et rectifier les erreurs et omissions ; (iii) de ... l'Ouest, Tome II: Burkina Faso. Ouagadougou et Fankfurt/Main, 592 p ... AfriMAB English.indbtnle Scandinavian Forest Economics · nr 43 · NOV 2010.inddtome Contribution à une sociologie politique des mouvements étudiants ...Harmatan TOME 1 - Thèses.frThere is a paucity of air quality data in Burkina. Faso. The present study aimed at assessing the profile of air pollution by PM10 in the province of Kadiogo. International network for family poultry developmenttnle