Foundations of Effective Influence Operations - RAND
Since the end of the Cold War, there has been growing interest in improving the nation's ability to employ various forms of ?soft power??. 
Persuasive Political Targeting: A Remarkably Understudied DynamicOne of the most famous targeted identity campaign appeals involved the 1988 Bush campaign's Willie Horton advertisement that displayed a Black. Resistance to Persuasion - University of PennsylvaniaCounter-arguing is the primary way of reducing agreement with a persuasive message, and forewarning and inoculation are specific techniques that ... The Persuasive Effects of Emotive Visual Imagery - CDNThis study reevaluates the persuasive impact of emotional visual appeals within politics and examines two different explanations for their ... The Sleeper Effect and Negative Political Advertising - TerpConnectThe absolute sleeper effect ?a statisti- cally significant documentation of persuasion between the first message exposure and the delayed impact? L'écosystème de la fabrication additive au QuébecThis digital process points towards the emerging de- sign possibilities for building complex and highly customized structural components in concrete. A similar ... ELECTRONIC FABRICATION AND ASSEMBLY IN THE STEVEN ...Des technologies de fabrication innovantes destinées à tous les secteurs de la terre cuite Page 2. Mantec Refractories est une ... Digital Fabrication and the Future of Work - CBA-MITIn 1745, the inventor Jacques de. Vaucanson, who created automatons including a life sized flute player with a repertoire of twelve songs, a tambourine ... Digital Fabrication Technology in Concrete Architecture - CumincadScénarios au niveau de l'utilisateur et industriels de la technologie Additive Manufacturing ... Croissance et perspectives pour la future technologie de ... Des technologies de fabrication innovantes destinées à tous les ...Elle favorise la formation et le transfert de la technologie dans ... Cependant, la loi de comportement des matériaux utilisés dans les technologies de ... une nouvelle technologie dans la fabrication de pièces métalliques ...Manufacturing. Solutions. Les technologies « Direct Energie. Deposition » (DED) permettent de réaliser des bruts à usiner par la suite ... La Fabrication Additive Métallique par DED - Multistationtechnologies de modélisation ou de simulation, les systèmes de fabrication ... B3 Où se situe la technologie de fabrication de votre usine par rapport à celle de ... Adoption de la technologie dans le secteur de la fabrication au ...This course introduces students to the fundamentals of digital fabrication and mass customization in a combined format of a seminar and a ...