Split System 5-20 Tons
Main features : TWE indoor unit : ? Convertible cabinet, vertical or horizontal. ? Adjustable speed pulley-belt drive centrifugal fan motor. 
TWE+TTA TWE+TWA(all voltages) TTA120, TTA150, TTA180, TTA240, TTA300. Transducer Kit for Head Pressure Control (BAYLOAM10*). BAYLOTR001*4. TTA120**D, TTA150**D. LonTalk ... Odyssey with Symbio? Cooling Split Systems Single Circuit, Three ...Trane's reputation for providing quality comfort solutions continues with the development of the next generation Light Commercial Odyssey Split Systems. Split System Air Conditioners Odyssey? ? TTA, TWE, Cooling UnitsTTA150, 180, 200, and 240 ED00 shall have two separate and independent refrigeration circuits. Each refrigeration circuit shall have an integral subcooling. Product Catalogue ODYSSEY - TraneWessels TTA series are ASME fixed bladder type pre-charged domestic hot water expansion tanks for commercial and industrial potable hot water applications. They ... TTA-SERIES... TTA150. BAYGARD061*. TTA180, TTA240. BAYGARD062*. TTA300. Universal Hot Gas ... TTA150, TTA180. BAYISLT010* (green). TTA240, TTA300. Steel Spring Isolators. Cooling Condenser - TraneTTA unit and corner weights ? lbs (60 Hz). Tons. Model No. Shipping. Max (lbs). Net Max. (lbs). Corner Weights. 1. 2. 3. 4. 6. TTA0724*A. 324. Split System 5-20 TonsManifolding Scroll. Compressors. (TTA150-240). ? The key to this system is an oil equalized line connecting the two compressors. In addition, the. Installation Operation Maintenance - Split System Cooling ... - TraneAll TTA units are shipped with a holding charge of nitrogen in each circuit. ... TTA061, TTA073, TTA076, TTA090, TTA101, TTA120,. TTA126, TTA150, ... ^^LOO-O^ 09/23/92 STATE HIGHWAY HPMS SAMPLES THAT ...rt Sujer ntending Er8gineer Drainage Divison Pur. 9. Sn nhar, DA(P. Lc the Superintenrling Cnginer, P W (Ei&c) Dhisk?. 10. Sri. O/u he Sp intending Engineer ... La negation.pdfIn großer Liebe und Dankbarkeit: Richard und Elly Düll. Katja, Markus, Mila und Shari. Tina und Ben. Andy und Christa Sujer. OFFICE OF THE PRINCIPAL ACCOUNTANT GENERAL (A&E ... - CAGBei mehreren. Betroffenen/Mündeln entscheidet der Nachname des jüngsten. Betroffenen/Mündels. 4. Amtsrat Sujer (H-J; W-Z). Justizamtmann Hedrich (S-. V) d ... Hilde Bechtold - Ladenburg - Bestattungen GregorManfred Sujer. TEL.: 0034 669924644. E-Mail: manfred.sujer@mssl.es. KMS KAHLE MASCHINEN & ANLAGEN SERVICE. GMBH (3300189). Molkereistraße 56. 30826 Garbsen 2 / ...