distribution and potential of cherimoya
sauvage, Bois Cachiman, Coeur de boeuf, cachiman, while in Hindi it is called as Luvun,. Ramphal, Nonai. 8 . Botanical description of the ... 
ESPÈCES FRUITIÈRES D'AMÉRIQUE TROPICAL E - AgritropFront cover A 12-year-old eucalyptus tree (Eucalyptus camaldulensis) planted during the Agroforestry Outreach Project near St. Michel de l'Attalye in 1983. Page ... Tropical and subtropical fruits| Show results with: Tropical and subtropical fruit, inedible peel List of monographsde Catalogue of Seed Plants of the West Indies - Smithsonian InstitutionMissing: Annona reticulata - doc-developpement-durable.orgnetted custard apple, which is translated as anona de redecilla in Honduras and Nicaragua. Cachiman, cachiman coeur de boeuf and corossol ... Development of a Behavior Change Communications Program to ...cachiman cannelle. qovave. and deye dos. The last one is also known as quinine pays, or local quinine, and was found for sale in a small rural general store ... AFRICAN REGIONAL STANDARD ARS 47/1 NORME REGIONALE ...ABSTRACT: Background: High consumption of. Annona muricata fruit has been previously identified as a risk factor for atypical parkinsonism ... codex alimentarius commissionmosa, here called pomme cannelle, or cinnamon apple;. Annona reticulata, called cachiman coeur-de-boeuf, or bullock's heart, and Rollinia mucosa, called ... Le tri des annones | ECHOcommunity.orgLa producon du cachiman est la plus précoce et la plus abondante, suivie de celle de la pomme?cannelle, proche de celle du corossol. Le corossol a des problèmes ... Environmental Risk Factors for Progressive Supranuclear Palsy... cachiman, cachiman epineux, corossol, corossol commun, corossolier. Guyana ... cannelle. Surinam: kaneelappel, kaneel appel. Surinam Malayan: srikaja ... Duke's Handbook of Medicinal Plants of Latin AmericaShurifa; Srikaya; Candongo; Cachiman Canelle; Cachiment Cenelle;. Cachiman; Zuckerapfel; Surikaya; Serkaya; Anon; Pomme De Canelle;. Custard Apple; Sugar ... Peasant Subsistence in Northwestern Haiti: Geography, Cultural ...French : Corossolier, Cachiman canelle, Pomme de cannelle, Attier. Portuguese: Atta, Fructa do conde. Malay : Nona sri kaya, Sri kaya, Buah nona.