2024-2025 At a Glance Calendar
STATE HOLIDAYS: 2024-2025 SCHOOL YEAR. Statehood Day: August 16, 2024. Labor Day: September 2, 2024. Election Day: November 5, 2024. 
2024-2025 Calendar Opt A Board Approved 031924 - Eagle Pass ISD8/26. No School (optional professional development half day for teachers - 3 hours of DPPD). 8/27. No School (required professional development day. 2024-2025 - TCAPSEid al Adha: 6/17/24 (begins at sunset 6/16). Huharram: 7/7/24. Ashura: 7/17/24 (begins evening of 7/16). Rosh Hashanah: 10/2-10/4/24 (begins at sunset 10/2). 2024-2025 Calendar - Ames Community School District2024-2025 Academic Calendar. Summer Semester 2024. Summer Semester 2024. Fall Semester 2024. Fall Semester 2024. 2024 Summer I. 2024 Summer II. 2024 Fall I. 2024-2025 Academic Calendar2024-2025 School Year. Calendar. MONTH. DATE. 2025. MONTH. DATE. 2024. AUGUST. SEPTEMBER. OCTOBER. NOVEMBER. DECEMBER. JANUARY. FEBRUARY. MARCH. MAY. APRIL. 1. 12 Month Calendar 2024-2025 HOLIDAYS/RECESSHOLIDAYS/RECESS. Independence Day, July 4, 2024. New Year's Day, January 1, 2025. First Day of School, August 29, 2024. Three Kings Day, January 6, 2025. MOTOR VEHICLE OFFENSE HANDBOOKniger can grow allows it to be ubiquitous (Schuster et al., 2002) ... Cairns, T. C., Nai, C., and Meyer, V. (2018). How a fungus shapes ... Ethnicity and elite interests in Nigeria - bac-lac.gc.caVariatons of total aerobic heterotrophic bacterial (THB) counts (?), total coliforms (TC) counts (?) and faecal coliforms (FC) counts (?) in water samples of ... Environmental Impact Assessment In Nigeria Regulatory / John ...plasmids, transposons, and integrons, and easily spread among bac- teria ... to TC, while 85.71 of TC-resistant E. coli strains (12 resistant E. coli. Oxalic acid produced by Aspergillus niger Y-1 is effective for ...were unnecessarily treated for presumed Escherichia coli bac- teremia, our ... Garner, J. S., W. R. Jarvis, T. G. Emori, T. C. Horan, and J. M. Hughes. The current pollution status of the new Calabar river in the Niger ...Aspergillus niger NRRL No. 330 was grown on 6 per cent whole potato flour with an inoculum of three million spores per ml. of medium and incubated at 30? Tetracycline Resistance Genes in Escherichia coliStrains Isolated ...Background. Despite the introduction of an effective serogroup A conjugate vaccine (MenAfriVac?), sporadic epi- demics of other Neisseria meningitidis ... Cost-Effectiveness of Alternative Uses of Polyvalent Meningococcal ...Mali, Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, and Togo. Those countries have a combined population of almost 300 million (2007 data) people, half of whom ...