200 books - International League of Antiquarian Booksellers
... de Unckel (Unkel), ca. 1480). 4to. Bound in a newer full limp vellum in old ... Brignoli?) to verso of title-page. Large woodcut device to title-page ...
Homo Deus: A Brief History of Tomorrow
Annual subscription prices: Libraries, institutions, and organizations, $72. 00; indi- viduals, $36.oo. Add $8.oo for postage outside the Western Hemisphere ...
At the dawn of the third millennium, humanity wakes up, stretching its limbs and rubbing its eyes. Remnants of some awful nightmare are still drifting ...
THE SOUTH AMBOY **?? SAYREVILLE Date: March 25, 1995 ...
Folio. Contemporary green cloth-backed dark blue boards. [i] (title), [i], (part title of ?Premiere Partie?. Livre Premier?), [ii] (official.
Has Latin American Inequality Changed Direction? - OAPEN Library
Call the church office at 721-3558 for de- tails and tickets. Polka ... Carlos Maderal, Tom McTighe, Tom. Painchaud, Mikey Phclan. Casey ...
Bryan's dictionary of painters and engravers - Internet Archive
... de la Torre, Julian Messina, and Joana Silva. The Political Economy of ... Brignoli 1979). After the 1980s, however, the academic and political climate ...
Catalogue of the Books and Maps in the Library of the Geological ...
Thus, Peter De Wint is entered under De Wint. (d) Proper names with the ... Brignoli Gallery at Brescia. Madonna and child. {dated 1559). In the.
Bibliotecas y cultura letrada en América Latina Siglos XIX y XX
hasta la centralization de los sistemas educativos nacionales CARLOS. NEWLAND ... by Hector P6rez-Brignoli, trans. by. Ricardo B. Sawrey A. and Susan ...
The End of Plantation? Coffee and Land Inequality in Early ... - ABPHE
BRUNNHOFF, BRIGNOLI DI, Giov. de. Dissertazione intorno alla Clorite o Terra Verde di Verona. BROCHANT DE VILLIERS, A. J. M. De la Cristallisation considérée ...
VI International Workshop on Metamodels, Ontologies and Semantic ...
by Hector Perez-Brignoli, trans, by. Ricardo B. Sawrey A. and Susan ... Historia de Merida, by Carlos Chalbaud. Zerpa, reviewed, 66:355. Historia del ...
VI International Workshop on Metamodels, Ontologies and Semantic ...
by Hector Perez-Brignoli, trans, by. Ricardo B. Sawrey A. and Susan ... Historia de Merida, by Carlos Chalbaud. Zerpa, reviewed, 66:355. Historia del ...
Beyond Philosophy - Enrique Dussel
Carlos M. Staehlin to examine her stigmata ... priests, such as Father Daurelle, whose book, Les événements de Fontet (1878), was cen-.
História Paulista, edited by Carlos de A. P. Bacellar and Lucila R. Brioschi ... Corpos Escravos, Vontades Livres. Posse de Cativos e Família Escrava ...