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Explosive Astrophysics: Supernovae - N3AS

Photometric measurements show that, as a group, nearby Type Ia supernovae follow similar light curves and reach similar peak magnitudes.


Measuring the Distance to Multiple Type Ia Supernovae using ...
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arXiv:astro-ph/0205351 v1 21 May 2002
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Supernova Neutrinos - CERN Indico
Supernovae. Part II: the aftermath - eScholarship
Type Ia Supernovae
The measurement of the cosmological parameters from Type Ia supernovae hinges on our ability to compare nearby and distant supernovae accurately.
K-corrections and Extinction Corrections for Type Ia Supernovae
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CORRIGE ANGLAIS LVI 2ème grpe - Office du Bac
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ARTICLES OF CORRECTION - Division of Corporations
AEU2: Certificate of Correction -
5 Vrai ou faux ? Indicate whether each statement is true (vrai) or false (faux). Avant de monter en avion, on passe par le contrôle de sécurité. Vrai.
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Housing Search Log | Opportunity Insights
Oracle Log Analytics Search helps you drill down to specific log entries, enabling focussed analysis and monitoring across your enterprise. Use the Oracle Log ...