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Dialogue vs. Debate - United States Institute of Peace

To shed light on this question, we consider grounding behavior in dialogue, and examine co-occurrences between turn-initial grounding acts and utterance unit ...


A Church in Dialogue - Canadian Conference of Catholic Bishops
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Evaluating Coherence in Dialogue Systems using Entailment
Multi-level disourse relations between dialogue units
Direct and Indirect Dialogue - San Jose State University
experimentation, Berkeley Repertory Theatre is thrilled to formally launch IN DIALOGUE, its next iteration of community engagement.
In Dialogue
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Writing Dialogue CSSC TipSheet _Revised_ - Valencia College
Engaging in Dialogue (Meyer & Newkirk) - Bard College
On the Vector Representation of Utterances in Dialogue Context
In discussion, personal experience and actual content are often seen as separate. Dialogue is collaborative: two or more sides work together toward common.
Utterance Units in Spoken Dialogue
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IN DIALOGUE - Berkeley Repertory Theatre
Comparison of Dialogue and Debate
In dialogue, one listens to the other side(s) in order to understand, find meaning, and find agreement. In debate, one listens to the other side in order to ...
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