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ANNEXE 1 : Tableau récapitulatif des infractions applicables (NATINF)
... 222/13,. A0/029/14, A0/64/14, A0/210/14, A0/049/15, A0/058/15, A0/194/15, A0 ... - CPLR Art. 70 proceedings. - Election Law proceedings. - Mental Hygiene Law ...
Le 5° bis de l'article 222-13 réprime les violences ayant entraîné une incapacité de travail inférieure ou égale à huit jours ou n'ayant entraîné aucune ...
Dispositions relatives à la lutte contre la traite des êtres humains
? L'article 7 du code de procédure pénale est ainsi modifié : 1 ... ? I. ? Constitue un outrage sexiste le fait, hors les cas prévus aux articles 222-13 ...
Appendix A - New York State Unified Court System
L'article 11 complète les articles 222-3, 222-8, 222-10, 222-12, 222-13, 222-24 et 222-28 réprimant les violences contre les personnes, les ...
Recueil Dalloz 2013 p.1012 Nicolas Malherbe, Juriste d'entreprise
... Article 222-13 6º, certain offences are also considered aggravated when committed by a spouse or partner (article 222-3 6º, 222-8 6º, 222-10 6º, 222-12 6º ...
Lady of Lourdes must be respectful of minors and vulnerable persons and protect them against all abuse and all forms of violence.
JUSD1610555C.pdf - Ministère de la justice
?Except in cases stipulated in articles 222-13, 222-. 32, 222-33 and 222-33-2-2, a sexist slur / insult is a comment of a sexual or sexist nature that either ...
european court of human rights - Refworld
French criminal law is applicable to any person who, within the territory of the French Republic, is guilty as an accomplice to a felony or misdemeanour ...
Charter for the Protection of minors and vulnerable persons
It is doubled when the offense is punishable by up to three years' imprisonment. This article is not applicable to the offenses provided for in articles 222-13, ...
Topics, texts, and materials occasionally may not win the full approval of all students or parents. ... pragmatic language skills and enjoy the developmental ...
I N T E R L I N G U A - College of Humanities and Social Sciences
Students' reading and writing skills will not be evaluated. ... Among their classmates, students have very lit- tle fear of taking risks to express themselves.
Dark Psychology And Manipulations - Purchase Tickets
Language skill/Lesson type: ????...??????????????? Duration: 55 min ... He went on to win the heavyweight championship of the world three times.