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Ow Digraph Word List | Reading Advice

When the sound comes at the end of words, it is spelled ow. ? Read the example words in the At A Glance section, noting the position of the /ou/ sound.


One Syllable Words with Vowel Sound ?ow? (cow) - OnTrack Reading
Say the name of each picture. If the picture belongs in the ?ow family and rhymes with grow, add ?ow to finish writing the word. bl.
Vowel Pairs: ou, ow - Word Study
A part of your face. 2. A sound a dog might make. 3. A large group of people. 4. A long seat for sitting. 5. To yell loudly. 6. Something a queen has.
ow FAMILY Set - Carl's Corner
2-syllable, 1st. -ow- bow els cow ard cow boy cow girl crow ded drow sy flow er know ledge pow der pow er row dy show er tow el tow er trow el. -ou- boun ty.
Words with ow, ou
One spelling ? different sounds ow as in 'cow' ow as in 'snow'. 000 grow show know flow blow glow low now how down town brown crowd growl.
Multisyllable Words with Vowel Sound ?ow? (cow) - OnTrack Reading
Spelling tip: 'ow' can make a short sound. This is usually at the end of a word or before 'n' or 'l'. owl howl now.
different sounds ow as in 'cow' ow as in 'snow' - Phonic Books
5 simple 3 letter OW words ? great for building confidence!: bow, tow, low, row, snow. ? 4 OW words with initial blends: blow, crow, glow, snow.
'ow' can make a long 'o' sound. - Schudio
, as in the word snow. Learning the /?/ spelling patterns helps students spell words that have similar sounds.
OW wall Words - Monday Morning Teacher
The /?/ sound at the beginning or in the middle of a word is often spelled oa, as in the words oat and coal.
... site de Valence. La deuxième année est dispensée uniquement à ... Remarque n°2 ? page 1 et page 2. Les contenus de chaque unité d ...
Sommaire - Association nationale des études féministes
... site de Valence. La deuxième année est dispensée uniquement à ... Remarque n°2 ? page 1 et page 2. Les contenus de chaque unité d ...
Rapport d'évaluation - Université Grenoble Alpes - Hcéres
Page 1. N°341,février-mars 2011, 5,50 ? actualités. Enseignementcatholique ... Dans le 1er degré : 9,98 %. Dans le 2d degré : 15,05 %. ? Collèges : 15,10 ...
ECA 341 février - mars 2011 - Enseignement Catholique
Page 1. Page 2. Page 3. Page 4. BULLETIN DE L' ACADÉ llE D' ARCHÉOLOGIE. Page 5 ... les exercices exigcaient une certaine force physique. Il n'y avait nulle ...