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DEPARTMENT OF INDIAN AFFAIRS - Algoma University Archives

The men who make ALSIMAGhave only one regret. The al-out eforts of the ... BUENOS AIRES ?Chairman, J. P. Arnaud; Secretary, Alexander Nadosy, Florida St.


MINATEC, GRENOBLE, FRANCE 13-15 November 2012 - CEA
... le :ou~e of ::qe at:acl<e: .'Jr mo~ing the. target to another loca~ion: . --Ninth, we are prepared -to provide supplem~ntary . personnel ...
AQC 53 (1940) - Quatuor Coronati
Arnaud, vice-chairman, and J. S. Fried man, chairman of general sales ... Hogs unchanged, $16.10 for BI. For Better. Metrs. Wear. I. RYE UP CENT. WINNIPEG ...
6. I~~.§.]:~.,_. - Loddon Shire Council
Seven. Wi thia, Oobd Frlc^. South.Metbodlat church. , tor, Rev. W. ftslph Ward, Jr., win lead the dev^tlwal service, as sisted by the choir under the lead.
by arbitration (if possible), to assist each other ;n sickness or distress, to secure employment, to reduce the hours of daily labor, ...
Proceedings - World Radio History
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Jewish Cotntnittee - collections
29c JW.HAU ?98 I tb«JW.H4Mcoiui - Manchester Historical Society
... les fragment les plus imporlûns, le fait peu regretter. Il finit en «3io. ? ... Arnaud Berlriuid vicomîe.......................... EcUpxe ...
Objectl - IBEW
There is hardly a grenadier of the guard who has not a mistress among the laundresses of Paris, who washes for him, feeds him, gives him on Sunday her ...
MKíVKIJJi - Euskal Memoria Digitala
Information for contributors. Papers should be submitted online at: European Journal of Anaesthesiology (ISSN: 0265-0215) is ...
Memoirs of Marshal Bugeaud, from his private correspondence and ...
composes sur les presses de Le Cointe : Venquete sur. 1'imprimerie efFectuee en 1676 trouva Le Cointc en train d'imprimer les editions de Tite-Live et de ...
Bibliographies spécialisées en littérature et en histoire au C.A.F.B.
Famous for introducing use of concrete in private and religious structures,. Perret's well-known designs include those for Eglise Rainey; Concert Hall, Ecole ...