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Revue d'Histoire des Mathématiques - Numdam

Mathematical Diagrams: A Kaplanian Account? Sébastien Gandon (Université Clermont Auvergne); Gianluca Longa (Université. Clermont Auvergne).


Jean Nicod: familial background and pacifist commitment
Sebastien GANDON. Université Clermont Auvergne. Page 2. Philosophy. Mathematics. Time ?. Page 3. Philosophy. Mathematics. Time ?. Royce on Dedkind. Page 4 ...
16 See [Russell, 1903], Part V. Page 8. 232 SÉBASTIEN GANDON in terms of relative product.17 There were howev doctrine brought forward in Principia VI: 1) As ...
Mathematical Diagrams: A Kaplanian Account?
Sébastien Gandon. Russell's Unknown Logicism. (History of Analytic Philoso ... In this outstanding new book on Russell's logicism, how- ever, Sébastien Gandon ...
The Self and the Infinite: Royce on Dedekind
Sébastien Gandon. Russell: The Journal of Bertrand Russell Studies, Volume 28, Number 2,. Winter 2008-09, pp. 171-178 (Article). Published by Johns Hopkins ...
Memory and modernity: reflections on Ernest Gellner's theory of ...
Ernest Gellner claims to be the representative of modernization theory however, his theory has been criticized because of the view that nationalism comes to ...
Conditions of Our Existence: Ernest Gellner (1925?1995)
ute to Ernest Gellner's thinking. Instead, I will consider some of the implications of Gellner's academic influence through reviewing the academic framework ...
Ernest Gellner Nations And Nationalism
Ultimately it will be argued that Ernest Gellner's modernist approach fails to account for contemporary trends in ethnicity and nationalism in some respects and ...
The Words and Things of Ernest Gellner - Social studies
On 5th November 1995, Ernest Gellner died suddenly here in Prague. He was Director of the Centre for the Study of Nationalism of the Central European University ...
Comparing Gellner and Smith
ERNEST ANDRÉ GELLNER is a William Wys Professor of. Social Anthropology at the University of Cambridge. He taught at the London School of Economics from ...
A Great European: In Memoriam Professor Ernest Gellner
Ernest Gellner (1925?1995) was a major 20th-century social theorist. He was a multi- lingual polymath whose work covered areas as diverse as historical ...
The Civil and the Sacred - Tanner Lectures
THE GADFLY. Ernest Gellner died in Prague, the city of his childhood, in 1995, leaving a colossal intellectual legacy: some twenty books, two of them ...
Ernest Gellner - Steven Lukes
A society that aims for affluence and economic growth, Professor Gellner argues, depends on innovation, occupational mobility, mass media, universal literacy, ...