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From the readily available sources in English one can learn that Leon Chwistek was born in 1884 in Zakopane, studied logic at Göttingen briefly during 1908 ...


Tomasz Femiak Leon Chwistk's theory of multiplicity of realities on ...
Chwistek's Chapter IX seems to present a positivistic position in regard to physics which reacts against the letter, rather than the spirit, of the vaguely ...
Dear Dr. Marcin Chwistek, We would like to express grave concern ...
The paper is devoted to the presentation of Chwistek's philosophical ideas concerning logic and mathematics. The main feature of his philosophy was.
the limits of science - Monoskop
Leon Chwistek has been occupied with the problems of philosophy and logic. While it is generally recognized that he has made valuable con- tributions to logic ...
Annales de chimie et de physique. 6e série, tome I, II et. III; 1884. B.-C. Damien. To cite this version: B.-C. Damien. Annales de chimie et de ...
On rotation and vibration motions of molecules - Numdam
Volume XV of the Annales de I'Institut de Physique du Globe, published by direction of Mr. Ch. M aurain , has been issued. In addition to the magnetic ...
Anonyme. Annales de chimie et de physique. 1855.
an inverse A; 1. Annales de l'Institut Henri Poincare - Physique theorique. Page 10. 337.
Annales de chimie vs Observations sur la physique - EuChemS
Ceci est une copie numérique d'un ouvrage conservé depuis des générations dans les rayonnages d'une bibliothèque avant d'être numérisé avec.
Annales de chimie et de physique - RRuff
CHIMIE ET DE PHYSIQUE. Mémoire sur la Constitution des tlrures;. *. Lu à la Société de Physique et d'Histoire ...
Annales de Physique, I3, I51, I94O.~ - Unified Field Theory
The experiments were carried out in an Ehrenhaft con- denser (I) with a plate diameter of 8 mm. A vertical electric and magnetic homogeneousfield absolutely ...
A Complete Bibliography of Publications in Annales de Physique ...
Annales de Physique (Paris, France), 23(2):1???, ???? 1998. CODEN ANPHAJ. ISSN 0003-4169 (print), 1286-. 4838 (electronic). URL ...
The following text is copied from an article in Annales de Physique ...
The following text is copied from an article in Annales de Physique 1972, tome 7, n° 5, pp. 349-370. It is part of a series of lectures given 1972 at a.
Yasutada Sudo (Institut Jean Nicod, CNRS/ENS/EHESS) Summary
By Jean Nicod, with prefaces by Ber- trand Russell and André Lalande. New York, Harcourt, Brace, and Co.,. 1930. 284 pp. This book is a posthumous ...