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Appendix Dictionary and Grammar Kongo Language as Spoken at ...

Marmelade in the 1780s,8 and the song to the deity ?Bomba? collected before the revolution.9 Taken together, it is clear there were many ...


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The present section examines Lemba's rituals and their role in. Lemba's influence over society and its material resource. The authority of Lemba's adherents ...
Partii The Rituals of Lemba: Management of Reality
G. I. MBONGO. D. M ?. MU1?TE ... The Ngolo-Batanga~Bima-Balondobadiko Improvement Union ... nov iasued t~eir coup de grace a,j:ld forced it dmm the th.r:è2.
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Grace. Executive officer. The Green Protector ... Grace Initiative Global ... NGOLO. PRESIDENT (Aid & Res) and CEO (Eagle Multi Pro.
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Grace. Business Development. Analyst. Oxfam GB. United Kingdom ... Mbongo. Manuel. Head of Department of. Macro-fiscal Programming.
Participant List | World Bank
Ms. Grace Gaegope Mafhoko. Ms. Phemelo Maiketso ... Ms. Natang Priscillia Song ... Mr. Dieudonne Menzu Ngolo. Directeur.
Swedish revival of the 1870's,5 understood the ecstasies of the movement in revivalist terms, as possible signs of a work of grace, rather than as a recidivism ...
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