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Hyperemesis Gravidarum (HG) is


automorphisms of drinfeld half-spaces over a finite field
Bertrand Rémy. Nancy (visio) ? November 12th, 2020 Heuristic rigor / constraints / control. Page 2. A few definitions and ...
Essays on geometric group theory - International Press of Boston
... Bertrand RÉMY the introduction). Section 5 contains some preliminary results on the group Lp- cohomology of semi-direct products via the Hochschild?Serre ...
appendix: boundedly generated groups with pseudocharacter(s)
MARC BOURDON AND BERTRAND RÉMY. Abstract. We obtain non-vanishing of group Lp-cohomology of. Lie groups for p large and when the degree is equal to the rank ...
Misha Temkin - Dartmouth College Mathematics
PETER ABRAMENKO AND BERTRAND RÉMY. We focus on the case of right-angled Fuchsian ... PETER ABRAMENKO AND BERTRAND RÉMY. Y in Gi, and the associated product is ...
Heuristic rigor / constraints / control
BERTRAND REMY. We will explain that some well-chosen lattices in products of buildings provide infinitely many quasi-isometry classes of finitely presented ...
Quasi-isometric invariance of continuous group Lp-cohomology, and ...
Abstract. This survey paper presents the discrete group viewpoint on Kac-Moody groups. Over finite fields, the latter groups are finitely generated; ...
Quasi-isometry classes of twin building lattices - People
BERTRAND RÉMY. Abstract.? This survey paper presents the discrete group viewpoint on Kac-Moody groups. Over finite fields, the latter groups are finitely ...
Kac-Moody Groups as Discrete Groups - Bertrand Rémy
MARC BOURDON AND BERTRAND RÉMY. Abstract. We initiate the investigation of critical exponents (in degree equal to the rank) for the vanishing ...
Topological generation of simple non-archimedean groups Bertrand ...
Bertrand Rémy 1. 1 Centre de Mathématiques Laurent Schwartz, UMR 7640, CNRS-École polytechnique, France. We will deal with the problem of counting the minimal ...
Buildings and associated group actions - Algebra @ Ghent University
Bertrand RÉMY. (École polytechnique, France). Buildings and associated group actions. The lectures will be dealing with group actions on buildings (some cell.
Recent results in the theory of twin building lattices
Bertrand Rémy Université de Lyon. Université Lyon 1. CNRS UMR 5208 ? Institut Camille Jordan. Bâtiment Jean Braconnier. 43, blvd du 11 ...
On some recent developments in the theory of buildings
[28] Inna Capdeboscq and Bertrand Rémy, On some pro-p groups from infinite- dimensional Lie theory, to appear in Mathematische Zeitschrift, 2014. [29] ...