Java Exercises

CSC1030 HANDS-ON INTRODUCTION TO JAVA Lab Exercise #2 ... The above
program is provided for you to have a warm up exercise on your Java skills.

Part of the document


While loop
|/* |
|A sample program to illustrate how to use the "while" loop statement. |
|This program counts down from 10 to 1. |
|*/ |
|package Demo1; |
| |
|public class Demo_While |
|{ |
|public static void main( String[] args ) |
|{ |
|int counter; |
| |
|counter = 10; // Start counting from 10; |
|while (counter > 0) |
|{ |
|System.out.println(counter); |
|counter = counter - 1; // Update the value of counter |
|} |
|System.out.println("Go!"); |
|} |
|} |

Problem 1: (10%)
Write a program to print all the odd numbers from 1 to 30 (inclusively).

Problem 2: (10%)
Write a program to repeatedly read an integer from the user until the
integer is equal to zero.

Math exercise
|package Demo3; |
|// You need to add this line in your program. Watch out for letter |
|case. |
|// Alternatively, we can use Fix Imports under NetBeans. |
|import javax.swing.JOptionPane; |
| |
|// The class name is NOT Main in this example! You may RENAME the |
|class. |
|public class Demo_Math { |
|public static void main(String[] args) { |
|String input_str; |
|double a, b, c, discriminant; |
|input_str = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("a in ax^2 + bx + c: "); |
|// convert the input (text input) to coefficient a |
|a = Double.parseDouble( input_str ); |
|input_str = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("b in ax^2 + bx + c: "); |
|// convert the input (text input) to coefficient b |
|b = Double.parseDouble( input_str ); |
|input_str = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("c in ax^2 + bx + c: "); |
|// convert the input (text input) to coefficient c |
|c = Double.parseDouble( input_str ); |
| |
|discriminant = b*b - 4*a*c; |
|System.out.println( "value of b^2 - 4ac is " + discriminant); |
|} |
|} |

The above program is provided for you to have a warm up exercise on your
Java skills.

Problem 3(15%)
Write a program to
a) Read the coefficients a, b, and c of a quadratic equation ax2 + bx + c =
0 as three floating point (number with a decimal point) values from the
b) Calculate and print a message indicating whether the corresponding
equation has one, two or no real roots.

Problem 4 (15%)
Modify your program in problem #3 so that in addition to indicating the
number of real roots the quadratic equation has, the program will also
calculate and print the value of the roots (if there is any).

Problem 5: (20%)
Write a program to approximate the value of e as [pic]

where k! means k factorial = [pic].
Larger the k, that means more terms in the approximation, hence, more
accurate the app. value of e.
Compute and print the TEN approximate values of e for k=1, 2, ..., 10
(Hint: you have to write a while-loop to calculate k factorial, for any k.
Moreover, ANOTHER loop is needed to enumerate (or count) k from 1 to 10 in
order to sum the terms.)

String Exercise
Problem 6: (20%)
Write a program to read a message from the user and print the message out
For example, if the user input is "Hello", then the output will be


Note: You may need to use the while statement and the String methods.

Problem 7 (challenging): (10%)
A palindrome is a string that reads the same backward and forward. For
examples, "eye" and "able was I ere I saw elba". Write a program that
reads a string from the user and check whether the input string is a
palindrome or not. After checking, print YES or NO.
(Note: Uppercase and lowercase letters are treated as different characters
in the Java program.)