Java Programing Advanced - Shawnee Mission School District

Compiling and executing applet programs. Using the Graphics class of the java.
awt package. Methods drawLine, drawRect, drawOval. Evaluations. Objective
Quizzes/Exercises. Lab Assignment Cube, Sphere, Triangles. Write a program
that displays a cube, sphere and triangles in an applet. GridWorld Lab 02.
Chapter test ...

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Shawnee Mission School District
High School Course Syllabus

|Course |Programming in Java |Teacher: Chuck Harrelson |
| |Advanced H | |
|Number |2215 |School:SM North |
|Department |Mathematics |Year: 2013- 2014 |
| |This course extends the programming concepts learned in earlier |
|Course |programming courses. Credit in this course may not be applied |
|Description|toward minimum graduation requirements in mathematics but may be |
|s |used to meet elective requirements. Students enrolling in the |
| |course may qualify for JCCC credit (College Now) |
|Primary |Construct original algorithms at a difficulty level appropriate for |
|Objectives |the course to solve given problems and practice problem analysis. |
| |Represent algorithms using pseudocode. |
| |Verify algorithms by hand and test data. |
| |Modify more complex algorithms to extend their usefulness or solve |
| |similar problems. |
| |Pass arguments between modules. |
| |Differentiate between value and reference parameters. |
| |Determine the scope of an identifier. |
| |Design input routines that will accept only specified data. |
| |Display appropriate error messages for incorrect data input. |
| |Design a routine to display appropriate prompt for user input. |
| |Describe and practice program analysis including strategies such as |
| |step-wise refinement, solution by analogy, use of previously |
| |developed subalgorithms. |
| |Select and use the correct control structure for a given problem |
| |including input, output, assignment, conditional, looping, and |
| |method calls. |
| |Use features of an OOP language appropriately including data types, |
| |scope, expressions, assignment. |
| |Input and output operations and formatting to the screen and disk |
| |files. |
| |Use control structures: sequence, selection, iteration. |
| |Include sufficient documentation to describe all aspects of a |
| |program. |
| |Use substrings of a given string. |
| |Concatenate strings. |
| |Use the appropriate functions to determine the length of a string. |
| | |
| |Assign character data to a string variable. |
| |Design programs so that output conforms to a given format. |
| |Use one-dimensional arrays for data storage, manipulation, and |
| |retrieval. |
| |Use the array as a lookup table. |
| |Use inheritance and composition. |
| |Write programs using multidimensional arrays. |
| |Create, retrieve, and modify data files. |
| |Create and utilize user-defined data types. |
| |Use a variety of search algorithms (e.g. sequential, binary) to |
| |locate given data items in a list. |
| |Write a variety of sort algorithms (e.g. insertion, selection, |
| |bubble) to sort a list of data. |
| |List and describe hardware and software components. |
| |Explore recursive techniques. |

2013- 2014
| |Schram, Leon. Exposure Java 2009 for AP Computer Science "A." |
|Textbook |Royse City, TX: Leon Schram, 2009. |
|Used |College Board. AP GridWorld Case Study. New York: College |
| |Entrance Examination Board, 2006. |
| | |
| |College Board. Computer Science Course Description. New York: |
| |College Entrance Examination Board, 2006. |
| | |
| | TOPIC |
|Major Topics | |
|Covered by |Making Object Methods and Encapsulation |
|Quarter |Introduction to OOP, Inheritance |
| |Boolean Logic |
|(projected |The Array Data Structure |
|schedule) |String Methods |
| |Algorithms |
| |Text Files |
| |GridWorld Case study |
|Method of |40% Tests, 40% Lab programs, 10% Exercises and in-class homework.|
|Evaluation | |
| |Final Exam is 10%. |
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|Student |All students will: |
|Expectations/|Complete homework on time |
| |Ask questions when unsure of a problem |
|Responsibilit|Follow all school and class rules. |
|ies | |
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