Objects First With Java - Solutions

Jun 16, 2006 ... true. Exercise 3.10. a==b. Exercise 3.11. (a || b) && (a != b). Exercise 3.12 !(!a || !b
). Exercise 3.13. No. The method assumes that the value will only contain to digits
. Exercise 3.14. No. Exercise 3.15. The exact definition can be found in The Java
Language Specification Second Edition in section 15.17.3

Part of the document

|Exercise 3.1 |
|The class diagram contains only 2 elements: LabClass and Student |
|The object diagram contains 4 elements. 1 LabClass object and 3 |
|Student objects |
|Exercise 3.2 |
|A class diagram changes when you modify the source code. That can |
|be by changing the relations between classes or creating/deleting |
|classes. |
|Exercise 3.3 |
|An object diagram changes when the program is running. It can be |
|changed by creating new objects, or calling methods. |
|Exercise 3.4 |
|private Instructor tutor; |
|Exercise 3.6 |
|Nothing happens. |
|No. |
|It should print out an error message. |
|Exercise 3.7 |
|It would not allow a value of zero. |
|Exercise 3.8 |
|The test will be true if one of the conditions is true |
|It will always be true if the limit is larger than or equal to 0. |
|Exercise 3.9 |
|false |
|true |
|false |
|false |
|true |
|Exercise 3.10 |
|a==b |
|Exercise 3.11 |
|(a || b) && (a != b) |
|Exercise 3.12 |
|!(!a || !b) |
|Exercise 3.13 |
|No. |
|The method assumes that the value will only contain to digits. |
|Exercise 3.14 |
|No. |
|Exercise 3.15 |
|The exact definition can be found in The Java Language |
|Specification Second Edition in section 15.17.3 |
|.doc.html#239829 |
|Exercise 3.16 |
|2 |
|Exercise 3.17 |
|-4, -3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3, 4 |
|Exercise 3.18 |
|]-m,m[ (the range from -(m-1) to (m-1) ) |
|Exercise 3.19 |
|As long as value is smaller than limit, it gets incremented by 1 |
|(the modulo can be ignored) |
|When value reaches the limit, the modulo operation will result in |
|value being set to 0. |
|So, the increment method increments value by one, until the limit |
|is reached, at which point it will start over at 0. |
|Exercise 3.20 |
|public void increment(){ value = value + 1; if(value >= |
|limit) value = 0; } |
|Both ways of incrementing are equally good. |
|Exercise 3.22 |
|The time is initialised to 00.00. |
|The constructor creates two new NumberDisplay which are vitalized |
|to 0 (in the constructor for NumberDisplay) |
|Exercise 3.23 |
|It needs 60 clicks |
|Using the method setTime() on the object. |
|Exercise 3.24 |
|public Editor(String fileName, int number) |
|Exercise 3.25 |
|Rectangle window = new Rectangle(3,6); |
|Exercise 3.26 |
|It initialises the time to the values passed to the method. |
|It uses the method setTime to set the time to the initial value. |
|Exercise 3.27 |
|Both constructors creates two new NumberDisplays. |
|The first constructor calls updateDisplay and the second calls |
|setTime(hour, minute). |
|In the second constructor there is no call to updateDisplay |
|because this will be done in the method setTime. |
|Exercise 3.28 |
|p1.print("file1.txt", true); |
|p1.print("file2.txt", false); |
|int status1 = p1.getStatus(12); |
|int status2 = p1.getStatus(34); |
|Exercise 3.29, 3.30 |
|1) change the updateDisplay in ClockDisplay as this: |
|/** * Update the internal string that represents the display. |
|*/private void updateDisplay(){ int hour = hours.getValue(); |
|String suffix = "am"; if(hour >= 12) { hour = hour - |
|12; suffix = "pm"; } if(hour == 0) { hour = 12; } displayString|
|= hour + "." + minutes.getDisplayValue() + suffix;} |
|2) |
|public ClockDisplay(){ hours = new NumberDisplay(12); //changed |
|minutes = new NumberDisplay(60); updateDisplay();}public |
|ClockDisplay(int hour, int minute){ hours = new NumberDisplay(12);|
|//changed minutes = new NumberDisplay(60); setTime(hour, |
|minute);}private void updateDisplay(){ int hour = |
|hours.getValue(); if(hour == 0) hour = 12; displayString = hour|
|+ "." + minutes.getDisplayValue(); } |
|Exercise 3.36 |
|Since the debugger shows that: |
|Mailitem item = |
|This indicates that item is not null, and the next line that will |
|be marked is item.print() |
|Exercise 3.37 |
|This time the item is null. The if-statement will then execute the|
|line: System.out.println("No new mail."); |
|Exercise 3.38 |
|After pressing Step Into and then pressing Step it prints: |
|From: Sophie |
|After the next Step it prints: |
|To: Juan |
|And after another Step: |
|Message: Hi Juan! |
|Step Into goes into the method print(). From there on, each line |
|of print is executed by a pressing Step. |
|This results in the lines being printed one at a time instead of |
|just printing all 3 lines as before. |
|Exercise 3.44 |
|Screen screen = new Screen(1024, 768);if(screen.numberOfPixels() >|
|2000000) { screen.clear(true);} |